Gang leader: Gender: Location: (Westside, Southside, Eastside, Northside) Hideout: (sewer, abandoned subway tunnel, abandoned house) Gang:0 Money: 1000 Rep: Goods: (weapons, drugs, DVDs) Your color: (its like your flag homie) Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
[/b]Please read How to play
Dude all gangs live in one area so u all got territory so u got to fight to keep them fooâs off your tirff you dig but if 2 gangs live in the same location u gotta beat out the other gang or they can take over u and bye bye u lose of course u can be nicey nice and work together to rule the other sides
Specials for the sides
Westside: Easy to recruit people to the gang Drug sales are double the money
Eastside: Guns seem easy to obtain Dvd profits donât get many members arrested
Southside: Gun sales triple People seem more likely to join
Northside: People like joining gangs
How to get goods
Well to get these you need a supplier, which are hard to find if u donât have the right people to talk to
I want money DOGG
Money is simple you can rob a bank rob stores until you find a suppliers
Starting the game
Well in the beginning itâs hard since you got no members so you got to build up your rep
Dude Rep is like how many people can be in your gang
Well if we seen this in movies a front is a place your goods can be stored but becareful fronts are important make sure u got thugs guardin the place and other gangs can take it ova
Oh and the owners before they open there store as a front they want payment and a favor so be warey
If you got any questions ask me its ok Iâm never perfect at these things
As the game progresses and you get more cash you can upgrade like to a mansion or condo or something so yeah
These guys once u get cash u can pick ur gang car ur gang weapon and hand to hand weapon
I make my way up towrds the oil slick and rev my tires up, this shoots part of the oil out far, and I look at my rearview mirror to see the oil smack onto the middle of the car's windows. I then shoot off back into the race.
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
I shrug. "'Kay, mate," I tell them. "I'm sorry, but them's my orders. I have to get everyone to shut down their radios. But I get that's your job. So I'll make a compromise. You can leave your radio on, but no outside transmitting. Period. If anyone hears so much as a peep from you, I'm going to fry, and I'm gonna take you with me. Deal?"
How would you take him with you? your a traffic officer and hes a goverment agent..i wouldnt be so scared... lol he could ruin your life though.Though you arent really a traffic officer...and he probely should have just drove around...he does have a deadline i bet...He is carring goverment cash.Don't take me seriously though im just saying...
I keep my tires stable and look to his car to the right of me. I then look down at my gear shifter and notice a small button, NOS. I slam down on the button and hold onto my steering wheel, as the Nitrous Oxide shoots me flying past the green car. "YES!!!!!"
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
He looks you square in the eye and he point s his shotgun out the window "you better not be messin with us we got a time to keep but i'll agree... Now go" he turns his radio to wat u descibed
Flag Gang leader: Campbell Gooding Gender:Male Location: Eastside Hideout: abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang:0 Money: 1000 Rep:none Goods:Weapons Your color:White Car: none Fronts:none Allies:none Rivals: none
he activates his but to late 10 sec differnece you Won the guy gives u the other 200 "thanks man i owe you"
the guy from the green car comes and says "you think you won huh you regret this" and he spits on your shoe "if i see you near the south side u one dead idiot" Gang leader:James Gender:Male Location: Eastside Hideout: Abandened house Gang:0 Money: 1180 Rep:20 Goods: (weapons, drugs, DVDs) Your color:Purple Car: none Fronts:Roberto's car lot. Allies: Rivals:
a guy calls you on the cell phone its roberto
"hey my brotha hey hey listen man i was talking to rico a friend of mine and he says he got a nice shipment of the new movie called um i dont know but he needs somewhere to store and someone to sell them meet him at the bar my man peace"
@ Electr021 yes that would be good if someone made equipment if they got stuff but u can only have a weapon and a hand to hand weapon if get more trade them at the hide out
Gang leader: Swaim Gender: Male Location: Northside Hideout: Abandoned Subway Tunnel Gang: 0 Money: $1000 Rep: 0 Goods: Weapons Your color: Black Car: none Fronts: Allies: Rivals:
Ok, that worked then right? I'll go away and jam the radio, then run back and scream "We're being ambushed! All civilian cars, clear the area, right now!!! Armored car people, you stay here. I have to stay here and help you! I'll try to radio for backup. Give me your weapons so that I can help you! All I have is a ticketbook, but I don't wanna die!"
Well unless they are some stupid goverment agents there not going to give there guns to some random ticket officer that screams ambush lol...They would probely use thier guns..due to the fact there trained and everything.
I smile at him and quietly hop onto the bus, skidding my foot onto the stairs of the entrace to where it wipes the spit off onto it. I then look at him and throw up a quick eastside symbol, and sit down in the middle of the bus seats.
Well unless they are some stupid goverment agents there not going to give there guns to some random ticket officer that screams ambush lol...They would probely use thier guns..due to the fact there trained and everything.
Honestly man, why do you always correct me? I get it's good natured and all, but it's a forum game, for cripe's sake. It gets sort of annoying, y'know?