Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
Objective: Get out of! Obstructionist People: Statuses: Damaged: Critical: Dead: obould, Razerules Vegetative: Enemies:
@sonicheroes95: You now can control SH95 and SSH95!
SSH95 is protecting CommanderDude7
@mechninja: Unfortunately, the others leave you behind while they go initiate an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Now all teh references are tied up...
@ITheNormalPerson: Where did you get a portal gun?
You complete, and you gain teh same rewind powers as Sonicheores95!
@rick073: The Chosen One pops up, shrugs, and pops away.
ummmmm... ok? i minimize the window and open up my music folder, then i hit play all music. then i head back to ag and start wandering around the forums
*shoots beams of ULTRA SPAM LORD! into the chain the chosen one is bound by*be free chosen one! strike aginst your master! get reveange for him traping you!
i got a portal gun while playing portal, still thinking i had my DEAD FRONTIER guns, then i switched to exit path, and i have the portal gun, and it's still the same site