Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
Why you... *Takes Zangetsu out from ThorRatFox* You'll wish that you never had done that. *Points Zangetsu forward and places his hand on his right arm* BANKAI!!! *A huge column of cloud rises up before disappearing revealing me in Bankai* Meet Tensa Zangetsu! *Goes behind sonicheroes before stabbing him from behind*
Note: in this form, Tensa Zangetsu resembles a black katana, my Getsuga Tenshou is now black with a red outline, and unlike other bankais, Tensa Zangetsu compresses my spiritual energy making me more faster and stronger.