Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
wind speed... 0... distance... 29m... *click. click* x5 zoom... target... sonicheroes95, left temple... all conditions perfect... *fires. locks in another round. fires. locks in another round. fires. puts sniper rifle to safety. switches to mac 10* your move sonic
I get a katana, upgrade it with 10 Grade 10 Lightning Crystals, name it Kusanagi, then kill angels with Kirin and Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique while dual holding Amaterasu and Kusanagi.
edit: wind speed... 0... distance... 29m... target elevation(compatred to mine)... -13km... additional targets... ghostsauce and gadandd... additional disturbances... none... rould type... .50 cal anti tank slug... clip capacity... 3/5... gun type... barrett .50 cal... attatchments... silencer, telescopic scope w/HUD and night vision capabilities... *click. click* x5 zoom... target... sonicheroes95, left temple... all conditions perfect... *fires. locks in another round. fires. locks in another round. fires. puts sniper rifle to safety. switches to mac 10* your move sonic
Objective: Kill either God or Satan! God: 7450/10000 Satan's Demons: 2150/10000 Satan: 6000/7500 *BARRIER* Statuses: Damaged: Critical: Redead: Undead: Consumed: th3whiterabbit Vegetative: Enemies:
@Darkfire45: God moves away most of the meteors, but he is hit with one for 200 damage! Also, you successfully erase Demyx's Mist lines.
@ThorRatFox: You step outside your bounds of domain, delivering a heavy-gravity smack to God dealing 450 damage!
@sonicheroes95: Darkfire45 erased the Mist lines (Darkfire, Dark Eraser, that's why), but you successfully used Wind again, blowing away Satan's barrier!
@GhostSauce: Request denied: even God can't grant that much power!
@rick073: You miss since you forgot to account for "Wind speed-75MPH".
@godandd: You do get the artillery from...somewhere that deals 350 damage, but the Bunker Buster goes straight past since it's meant to bust though concrete and we're on a cloud.
@Bluydee: Your attack misses because all of the angels are DEAD.
@CommanderDude7: You successfully convert the energy and heal everyone!