Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
i teleport on top of the tower, two arrow guns in hand, which i combine into the machinesniper rifle, basically just unleash a spray of lasers at the attackers.
Oh ****. I take out Senbonzakura and use it's Bankai onto the castle. Just because it's made up of a million blade bits doesn't mean that it can't slice through stone.
@rick073: Unfortunately, the blink doesn't shrink you, so you just end up flying into his head. Also, sniping them might work better if their brains weren't so tiny.
@DarthNerd: The crushing force of a T-Rex herd do 1500 damage to the castle!
@DBLACKSTAR: You deal 2000 damage to the herd!
@ThorRatFOx: You unleash a swarm of bullets the size of an Velociraptor's head, only doing 500 damage.
@Darkfire45: You deal 1000 damage to the castle (Death of a million Cherry Pops) and kill the T-Rex herd since millions of blades make for dino sushi.
@sonicheroes95: you manage to deal 500 damage to the Dinos and DarthAku.
I summon mad jack! The evil incarnation of samuri jack! And sick him on all of you! Then i summon my X seris of robots, trench coats, fedoras, and all of that on them(yeah, aku's X seris robots wear trench coats and fedora's) and sick them on the castle!
@sonicheroes95: You kill him with arrows! Darthnerd is split out in critical condition.
@DarthNerd: You cannot summon the X-Series! However, you still produce a black fedora and green trench coat, landing on a surgical mask and pair of Aviator Sunglasses summoning the Lone Wanderer! (That would be a reference if I ever got around to actually MAKING Lone Wanderer's Mind.)
@5had0w: Unfortunately, the acid destroys the atomic balances, which detonate and increase the pH to 7. So basically, they might as well have been filled with blood for all the good it would do. Or Chakra.
@TheFinalPhoenix: You buzz the castle.
@DBLACKSTAR: You destroy the attacking war machines and deal 4000 damage to the castle! You become Critical in teh process, though.
@kingjac11: The war machines have been destroyed by DarthAku and that mega Cero.
@CommanderDude7: You hit DarthNerd and kill him.
The Lone Wanderer is tying something onto a floating round speaker bot!