Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Cheezburgian Special Forces Total strength: 3440/4000 Units: Sniper Unit: Elite snipers with highly accurate rifles. Shock Unit: Lightly armored troops that rush an enemy force. Scout Unit: Lightly armored troops that scout out an enemy with stealth tactics. They also handle assassinations, and you'll only know it when it's too late... Heavy Support Unit: A very heavily armored unit that acts as a shield for the Assault and grenadier units. Often carrying the heaviest weapons. Assault Unit: Armed with Rapit-fire rifles that shoot out loaded Uranium, these troops will do the most damage to anything. KILL THEM FAST. Grenadier Unit: Troops armed with EMP grenades that disable shields and the like. Also has Flashbang, Stun, Smoke and Chaff varieties. Mainly a support unit.
Other Units: Space Railgun: The Space Railgun y'all failed to destroy. Being in space, it is invulnerable for now. Ion Cannon: An Ion Cannon built recently. It works like the railgun, except less powerful.
Ally Units: Laser Eye Cat: A Psych-Class Cheezburgian that has powered the Cheezburgian power Eye.
@sonicheroes95: You charge them, but bounce off the Heavies.
@rick073: You drop a GOD**** STAR on the Cheezburgians, taking out a lot of the snipers! However, this was your godly intervention of the battle series.
@CommanderDude7: You do 100 damage to the Heavies and wear down their Damage Threshold!
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Cheezburgian Special Forces Total strength: 2800/4000 Units: Sniper Unit: Elite snipers with highly accurate rifles. Shock Unit: Lightly armored troops that rush an enemy force. Scout Unit: Lightly armored troops that scout out an enemy with stealth tactics. They also handle assassinations, and you'll only know it when it's too late... Heavy Support Unit: A very heavily armored unit that acts as a shield for the Assault and grenadier units. Often carrying the heaviest weapons. Assault Unit: Armed with Rapit-fire rifles that shoot out loaded Uranium, these troops will do the most damage to anything. KILL THEM FAST.
Other Units: Space Railgun: The Space Railgun y'all failed to destroy. Being in space, it is invulnerable for now. Ion Cannon: An Ion Cannon built recently. It works like the railgun, except less powerful.
Ally Units: Laser Eye Cat: A Psych-Class Cheezburgian that has powered the Cheezburgian power Eye.
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Cheezburgian Special Forces Total strength: 2400/4000 Units: Sniper Unit: Elite snipers with highly accurate rifles. Scout Unit: Lightly armored troops that scout out an enemy with stealth tactics. They also handle assassinations, and you'll only know it when it's too late... Heavy Support Unit: A very heavily armored unit that acts as a shield for the Assault and grenadier units. Often carrying the heaviest weapons. Assault Unit: Armed with Rapit-fire rifles that shoot out loaded Uranium, these troops will do the most damage to anything. KILL THEM FAST.
Other Units: Space Railgun: The Space Railgun y'all failed to destroy. Being in space, it is invulnerable for now. Ion Cannon: An Ion Cannon built recently. It works like the railgun, except less powerful.
Ally Units: Laser Eye Cat: A Psych-Class Cheezburgian that has powered the Cheezburgian power Eye.
@sonicheroes95: The shock troopers are temporarily stunned by the dark attack, but not especially hurt.
@xKimchix: You fail to penetrate the huge heat trail generated by mass friction. Plus, nothing is actually burned off since the ceramic's still intact.
@Darkfire45: You do not succeed at luring any meteorites into the atmosphere.
@Razerules: A defibrillator is not a good method to cure exploding into gore.
However, even teh highly trained Special Forces are distracted by the hamburgers!
@IceClaw247: You take down 50 damage worth of the shock troops!
@CommanderDude7: You successfully take out the stunned Shock Troops, but now you're out of shells.
A loud loading sound indicates that the Assault troops are ready!