Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Cheezburgian Special Forces Total strength: 1000/4000 Units: Assault Unit: Armed with Rapit-fire rifles that shoot out loaded Uranium, these troops will do the most damage to anything. KILL THEM FAST.
Other Units: Space Railgun: The Space Railgun y'all failed to destroy. Being in space, it is invulnerable for now. Ion Cannon: An Ion Cannon built recently. It works like the railgun, except less powerful.
Ally Units: Laser Eye Cat: A Psych-Class Cheezburgian that has powered the Cheezburgian power Eye.
@sonicheroes95: The blade fails to do anything, even failing to blind them with the Helios-class helmets that prevent blinding, among other things. However, you do prevent the Roulette for this turn with the Dark stunning.
@kingjac11: You largely miss, but you do damage the shield generator.
@Darkfire45: The rockets use a heat-seeking system that hits the more distinct non-ally target... avoiding the Cheezburgians whose lungs are about the heat of the local surroundings. However, it does hit the shield generator since the local desert isn't as hot as Plasma.
@CommanderDude7: the rockets are easily stopped by the shield without much effect. Unless they're Planet Destroyers, a missile's not going to hurt a shield meant to stop a meteor the size of an orbiting moon. Happens more often than you think.
@xKimchix: The Ions pulse back into the generator, making it structurally fail.
The Space Railgun is about to crash... find some way to keep the enemy in range and retreat to a safe distance!
Objective: Blaze through the armies! Current Army: Cheezburgian Special Forces Total strength: ELIMINATED Units:
Other Units: Space Railgun: The Space Railgun y'all failed to destroy. Being in space, it is invulnerable for now. Ion Cannon: An Ion Cannon built recently. It works like the railgun, except less powerful.
Ally Units: Laser Eye Cat: A Psych-Class Cheezburgian that has powered the Cheezburgian power Eye.
@WolfMan121: Unfortunately, you don't have necromancy powers.
The concentrated attacks take down teh shield! However, you get caught in the gravity of the SPACE RAILGUN!
@sonicheroes95: You use the arrowguns to fence in teh units as they become un-stunned!
@xKimchix: The Ion Cannon is absorbed by the Railgun since it currently fully eclipses the Assault units.
A huge shockwave shoots out, and the Space Railgun crushes the Assault troops! The shockwave collapses the cliff and the plains, forcing the others to retreat (which they fail at, getting flattened). It seems the Space Railgun remained mostly intact, but it looks like Wolfman121's ship was destroyed. However, we couldn't find his biological signature on the ship, even when we could tell the signals for death from the other crew. For now, salvage what you can from the Railgun while we assess the last stretch to the source...