Ingame name: SampleName (Change this to what you want) Total survivals: 0 (Leave as is) Points: 0 (Leave as is) Inventory: Empty (Leave as is)
Step 2
Wait until the end of the current round.
Step 3
I will say the disaster about to happen. You think of a plan and try to avoid it and live. I will post your location so you know a bit more about what you can use and such.
Step 4
I will say who survived and what happened to everyone. Survivers will earn a said amount of points.
Step 5
I will list availible items in the store and their price. Purchase anything you want as long as you have enough points.
Step 6
Repeat from Step 3 and on.
The game has a strict limit of 15 players max! Ok, who wants to join?