Ingame name: SampleName (Change this to what you want) Total survivals: 0 (Leave as is) Points: 0 (Leave as is) Inventory: Empty (Leave as is)
Step 2
Wait until the end of the current round.
Step 3
I will say the disaster about to happen. You think of a plan and try to avoid it and live. I will post your location so you know a bit more about what you can use and such.
Step 4
I will say who survived and what happened to everyone. Survivers will earn a said amount of points.
Step 5
I will list availible items in the store and their price. Purchase anything you want as long as you have enough points.
Step 6
Repeat from Step 3 and on.
The game has a strict limit of 15 players max! Ok, who wants to join?
In this situtaion in you must think fast. I put my sock on my nose to prevent smoke infeuling if the bomb explodes.I run to the main entrance and if the bomb didnt explode i call the bomb squad to defuse the bomb.I also get a good distance from walmart.
Ingame name: Kimichi Total survivals: 0 Points: 1 Inventory: Empty
Knowing that target basicly has the same things as Walmart, you still blew up due to the fact that Target ALWAYS copies Walmart, anyways, because you survived for a bit longer than normal; You get 1 point!
Ingame name: Xigbar Total survivals: 0 Points: 0 Inventory: Empty
Employee: Duh, we dun gotz nun snipar rifals at teh momant, duh... Uh... Yummeh chickan.... Duh, teke dis boom instaed.
In game name: cpt.nutty Total survivals: 0 Points: 0 Inventory: Empty
You steal a sock from someone. Inside, you find my dog. "Meow!" it says. Ew, the dog was chewing on the sock! Kinda gross, anyways, So you started to run but as you reached the main entrance, the bomb exploded, and the glass door *facepalm*ed your face. So yeah, your dead.
As cpt.nutty exploded, you were about to get out. You were never noticed due to the fact that I had to search 3 pages for your character sheet, and you went outside. The bomb did not know you were there. But since that was mostly luck, you only get 2 points.