In this game you are a forenzic.You must solve crimes,find evidence and jail the bad guys.If you have watched CSI you would know what to do.This is sheet:
Name: Zoey Manshelle Age:21 Gender: Female Health:100/100 Job: DNA Forenzic Perk: sharp eye (Can see stuff further away Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Brown hair, blue eyes. Bio: When Zoe was 16 she was fascinated with science so she got good at science and she trained for 5 years on 5 stuff with science and she got Accepted in to the DNA stuff so hear she is.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:eagle eye-can spot a hair on the ground 10 feet away my vision is that good Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI
Name: Zoey Manshelle Age:21 Gender: Female Health:100/100 Job: DNA Forenzic Perk: sharp eye (Can see stuff further away) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Brown hair, blue eyes. Bio: When Zoe was 16 she was fascinated with science so she got good at science and she trained for 5 years on 5 stuff with science and she got Accepted in to the DNA stuff so hear she is.
You go into the lab and got a case.You go to the lab and wait for DNA samples.What will you do while you wait?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:eagle eye-can spot a hair on the ground 10 feet away my vision is that good Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
Locoace just change your perk.Their is a one just like that one.Shadow has it. Anyways you got a case about a 1 degree murder.You go at the location.What will you do?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
well first i need to know the lay out of the whole place where it was committed any other place involved and if there are any other residents who live in the house
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
Sorry. Crime scene 1:
House 5 rooms(Living room,bathroom,2 bedrooms,kitchen) Body is in kitchen. Name of the dead manohn Joe(Dont know his name yet) Other residents in house:Wife and his son. Blood is on the kitchen counters,fridge and on the floor. Cause of death:Stabbed in the stomach
What are you going to do on the crime scene first?
Name: Warren "Woody" Holmsberg[hells yeah, Psych ref ftw!!!!] Age: 30 Gender: M Health:100/100 Job: Autopsy Forensics(spelling fail, also, this is actually called the coroner) Perk: Surgeon's Hands[Is good at spotting and extracting small stuff without damaging it](Another Psych ref ftw!) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kevlar Armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Tall, bald(cue-tip bald, not old bald), kind of clean-cut and brisk. Business-like pretty much all the time. Bio: Was once police coroner in Santa Barbara. Transferred to Miami so he could constantly put on and take off killer shades. Also because in the Psych universe he was played by Kurt Fuller, ugh.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
do a quick interrogation of the people on the scene asking them general questions picture the body and blood then look for the murder weapon
Name:Billy Bob Jane Age: 27 Gender:Male Health:100/100 Job: Interrogation Forensic Perk:Psychology Pro: Understands the inner workings of the mind and can notice subtle actions and what these actions link to in the mind.... Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: shiny Black Hair, Dark Blue eyes, thinned goattee, very small birthmark on left temple.Usually wearing large Black-blue Sunglasses, Highly reflective. Bio: Became very interested in his own thoughts at a young age, and attempted to analyze them, failing for the most part. Through his schooling Billy focused on science-related courses, specifically Human anatomy+psychology, and graduated from college with a Doctorates in psychology.
Name: Warren "Woody" Holmsberg[hells yeah, Psych ref ftw!!!!] Age: 30 Gender: M Health:100/100 Job: Autopsy Forensics(spelling fail, also, this is actually called the coroner) Perk: Surgeon's Hands[Is good at spotting and extracting small stuff without damaging it](Another Psych ref ftw!) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kevlar Armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Tall, bald(cue-tip bald, not old bald), kind of clean-cut and brisk. Business-like pretty much all the time. Bio: Was once police coroner in Santa Barbara. Transferred to Miami so he could constantly put on and take off killer shades. Also because in the Psych universe he was played by Kurt Fuller, ugh.
You go into your mourge and wait for any bodys to come.What will you do while you wait?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You ask the residents in the house.They say that they were in the market.When they got home they found him like this.You then picture the body and blood.New misc item:Pictures. You look for the murder weapon.You can not find it.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
check upstairs (if there is) or just look through all the rooms especially the master bedroom
Name: Warren "Woody" Holmsberg[hells yeah, Psych ref ftw!!!!] Age: 30 Gender: M Health:100/100 Job: Autopsy Forensics(spelling fail, also, this is actually called the coroner) Perk: Surgeon's Hands[Is good at spotting and extracting small stuff without damaging it](Another Psych ref ftw!) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kevlar Armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Tall, bald(cue-tip bald, not old bald), kind of clean-cut and brisk. Business-like pretty much all the time. Bio: Was once police coroner in Santa Barbara. Transferred to Miami so he could constantly put on and take off killer shades. Also because in the Psych universe he was played by Kurt Fuller, ugh.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You check all the rooms.When you got in the master bedroom you get a funny feeling that this room has evidence.What will you do?
Name: Warren "Woody" Holmsberg[hells yeah, Psych ref ftw!!!!] Age: 30 Gender: M Health:100/100 Job: Autopsy Forensics(spelling fail, also, this is actually called the coroner) Perk: Surgeon's Hands[Is good at spotting and extracting small stuff without damaging it](Another Psych ref ftw!) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kevlar Armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Tall, bald(cue-tip bald, not old bald), kind of clean-cut and brisk. Business-like pretty much all the time. Bio: Was once police coroner in Santa Barbara. Transferred to Miami so he could constantly put on and take off killer shades. Also because in the Psych universe he was played by Kurt Fuller, ugh.
You chat with some people.After a while the body has come.You take the body in the mourge.What will you do with him first?