The Idea of this Is to make and finish a random story about anything.Target: 500 repliesGet writing!!!!!
the AG users who made this story, they decided to...
nuke some random person's house and was arrested by the police. In jail, one of the AG users met...
[b]a giant talking taco who was made by...
the creepy imagination of osmosisism, the taco then...
decided to make a jail break by....
Asking for help from Chuck Norris
Who attacked him as he could not pay his gas bill of £3.99.He said"?@&/£!"as I still hadn't payed it...
and then he turned on me saying "Who's side are you on???"...
what does ã3.99 equal in american dollars???..and i responded, "on my own side, get used to it you washed up, chubby, old man."
Then a giant meateor crashed into the distance then he.....
Pooed as he was scared...
so he ran until he was brutally murdered by the meteor. Nobody showed up to his funeral, so the dead body turned into...
A WW2 soldier so he...
said, "I like unicorns that...
eat rainbows and poo butterflys
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