The Idea of this Is to make and finish a random story about anything.Target: 500 repliesGet writing!!!!!
actually a broom....
and his mother grounded him. A strange creature met him in his room and told him that he is the chosen one for an important adventure. His quest is to...
retrieve the the treasure of the lost ... suddenly the creature died and he had to find what the end of the name of the treasure was so he...
looked it up on google and discovered he was in Candid Camera. He got so mad he...
Shot his puppy, then the police...
came and shot their puppys which caused a massive...
puppy holocaust, which caused cats to....
Praise dogs and worships them so the humans were...
jealous and began to...
mass hunt wild tomatoes and...
eat their cats, all the while...
to realize the cats were planning a rebellion
on canned, processed food, because they thought that it was...
super cat man's weakness, but the cats suddenly all became...
supreme overlords. It was the creature's secret plan. Yes the creature was evil. Then the head kitteh overlord, Fluffy, decided to...
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