The world of Arcas has fallen on hard times, as corruption and evil, has left the world plagued by unholy beasts. The glorious kingdom of Uru'Haeth has disintegrated into mere towns filled with bandits and thieves. The only ones left in the ancient lands are three royal children, unaware of their destiny...
You wake up at the small, poor town of Tarvan, the only place you call home. Dead bodies from a gang of bandits lay around you. You can hear the sad chirps from the gloomy birds echoing in the distance. Suddenly, you can hear screams in the east faraway.
A: Investigate. B: Scavenge the bandits. C: Rob someone D: Your choice.
You then see the source of screams as many people nearby become brutally hacked into pieces of meat by a group of men armed with swords. You quickly hide as you decide to:
You narrowly escaped death from the burning town, Tarvan. You can see a man running out in the distance. You then see the raiders, riding out on horses.
A: Fight. B: Save any survivors from the fire. C: Follow the man running. D; Your Choice.