I Bring my baby sister with me, which distracts them all due to her cuteness. While they're distracted, I make them implode with the red matter that destroyed Vulcan. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
roger721 - ur hazmat dude or whatever is now set on fire and is dead, no matter what he was wearing. i use my shield but the diamonds knock it out of my hands and now they're pelting me. i use my good looks and make you stop with the help of ur diamonds making my prettier. hurry and attack me before i get my shield back ( its behind me so you cant get it first )
Roger721 - the plague spreads 10000000000000000000 miles per hour, no way to escape. it spreads to me and you. you die. I now have the plague but can survive somehow...... oh yeah, the enchanted scissor did something to me. Now if you come near me you will catch the plague and immediately die.