Link fires the bullet, and when the bullet gets close to me it catches the plague and blows up ( for some reason ) The explosion is huge and Link ( tho i love him ) dies. I get blown 500000 feet away and lose 7000 health.
Health: 6,000
Defense: Plague, Shield
Attack: Stars ( good looks got ruined when you shaved my head )
Gunthex ( for all ur comments ) - he throws a match in one of the guns barells...... everybody and everything blows up
Roger721 - doesnt have a socket..... and then he rips r face off.
Evarya ( my sis! ) - he comes and and starscream takes him the megatron, who rips the symbols out of his head, but before he died he called in bumblebee, who called the rest of the autobot team. they pwn starscream, taking away 3000
Roger721 - as soon as they get into his chest he blasts it with a missle, taking away 2000 health.
Bigfatkitty - your first comment guy died with gunthexes army, and as you said Genghis khan failed, but he and his army took away 100 helath before they died.
Roger721 - starscreams head is slowly being ripped apart as they fight on it, and it takes away a LOT of health