This is a game where I give a math problem and you guys try to destroy it. Using the answer or anything else imaginable.Problem: 2+2= Teacher: "Solve it or die!"Problem Health: 50
2+2=4?????do we get into algebra or geometry,and is this going to be like you give us a problem and we answer it, and it turns out just to be your math homework??:P
lol that would be really funny. like: "whos the smartest game" (whos doing my homework game) XD
2+2= something most people can't do.
Have you ever watched Ma & Pa Kettle? they have their own way of doing math. It's pretty funny, you should check it out on youtube, "Hillbilly Math".
is this going to be like you give us a problem and we answer it, and it turns out just to be your math homework??:Pyes this is my math homework :P.2+2=4 so it blows up.Now solve this. 8x10^5 +6=
oh i know. it's PIZZA! ^.^
PIZZA!!!! Anyways the problems health is: 2,000
800,006 right?
800,006 right?I don't know. I'm randomly making the problems. But I guess it would be that. Problem blows up.Be warned this is the HARDEST problem ever!0+0= Oh god that is so hard! (sarcasm)
INFINITY + 1 SWORD!thats the answer to life!
sonic and desert.... WRONG!!
darn it, this problem is "really" hard. I could've sworn 0+0 causes the universe to explode.........OH WELL!
Yeah I know. 0+0 is the hardest problem in the world!
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