5 x 10^65 + 55 = Scientific Notation, and it's basically the kind of thing you can't write down because it'd be too long and we really don't have a number for it. So 'tis unsolvable. Let's throw in some algebra and theoretical discussion, shall we? Y/0
Well, as for the 0 you're right, but the Y is more like a placeholder...you can plug any number you want in there, so even though in this context Y has no set value and is not a constant, it is representing a constant that is determined with the situation.
3.14r^2 = ? Apparently the AG forums really hate math. First no exponents, now no pi! ='(
10 to the fifth power(10-100-1,000-10,000-100,000) times 8 (order of operations p(erentheses)e(xponents)m(ultiplication)d(division)a(ddition)s(ubtraction) 800,000 plus 6 800,006. yes that is the answer, can i make a problem now?
this is the equation of a line( y=mx+b ) so where do these two lines equal(or cross)