So you are a peasant in Feudal Japan....AND ARE FED UP RAWR! Your family in a small village has decided to rebel against the traditional, hopeless peasant lifestyle and go to POWER. But be careful, though, it is a long, treacherous road.....
=========Personal========== Name: (in Japanese fashion of the time. (Surname a.k.a Family name followed by given name, there are no middle names)) Age:10-16 (will progress shortly) Height: reasonable Build: (scrawny,light, medium-light for now, can be improved w/ training) Notable attributes like birthmarks or deformities, etc.) Bio: (medium-long, short will not be tolerated ) Money:5 coin ----Attributes------ 17 points: Strength: Useful in combat and intimidation. Agility: Useful for assassinations, dodging attacks in combat, and any other tasks involving Agility. Charisma: Vital if you don't want to slash your way through every clan you encounter. Endurance: Able to do just about everything for longer and can keep fighting for longer if wounded. Leadership: How inspiring you are, and determines what types of tactics/possibly troops Luck: self-explanatory -----------Proficiencies------------ Weapons: (to be determined) Armor types: Leather Skills: - Other:- =========Equipment========== ---------Armor---------- Head+Neck: - Arms: - Torso: Torn shirt Legs: burlap breeches Hands: - Feet: dirty sandals Other: small pendant ----------Weapon----------- (pick any farmerâs tool, such as a pitchfork, but keep it relevant to the time period; may also use a wooden pole or Left hand: Right hand: Other: - -------------Miscellaneous------------ Quest: Other: ==========Family========= Current Family: (insert name here) (mother) ((healthy)) (insert) (father) ((healthy)) From here you can add as large a family as you wish, though be warned there are pros and cons. =========Clan/Politics========= (in italics) Your family name, or if you want you can use something else. Members: (insert # family members here) Subjects: Anyone under your control but not within your family/admitted members. For now, 0. Influence Level: <0 Collective Money: 100 coin --------Politics---------- Relations: (will be partially filled in after joining)
After sitting in the cave for a good hour Yoshimitsu says to himself:
Hmmm, I need to think of someway of getting out of this cave, there is a source of light over in the corner, but that is too obvious. I need to find a more clever way of escaping the cave...(Thinking). Oh, I know, I will run through the obvious trap the light holds and then scream to confuse the people who think they have me.(Run towards the exit) NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
So you are going through the field, when suddenly OMFG GIANT RAT!
Encounter:Giant Rat!
"Why thank you." The head of the household says, who's name you never knew." Would you like anything else?"
You run out of the cave like an idiot and end up yelling to nobody...
After a very long amount of walking, Takao notices the figure not far behind him. He isn't sure how long he has bene following him, or if he has been following him at all :O
I am just here to return the bowl i must tend to my fathers fields i am still grateful in my gratitude i will help you just ask and i will try to complete it
Well, that went better than I expected. Now then, I need to recruit more men for my Freedom Fighters. Perhaps I should look in that outpost I just conviently spotted... wait, that's just a bunch of rocks. I need to find allies.(yelling at the top of his lungs) HELLOOOOOOOOOOO, IS ANYBODY OUT HERE? NAAAAAAAAAAAAMUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Hmm, I didn't think it would be that easy. Oh well, time to look around, I KNOW YOU'RE OUT HERE SOMEWHERE!(starts looking for people or a bandit outpost of some kind)
Rat uses Bite! [/pokemon] Giant rat bit your shin..... you squeal in pain D:!
It is a robed figure :O
"You are the boy they call Takao, yes?" The robed figure says in a somewhat raspy voice.
"Are you sure?OK....."
You return home, take a short nap, then proceed to begin planting the fields. Without any help, you eventually collapse from exhaustion in the mud, panting.
if i have a new found of energy i will go finish my work if im still tired i will go to my house get a new set of clothes and rest a while so i could finish my work to work out my anger
You help with their planting, being very efficient as you are young, and they gladly help you with your own planting. You explain your plan to the Atsuragas, and they agree...
...except for the grandfather, an outcast Samurai....