So you are a peasant in Feudal Japan....AND ARE FED UP RAWR! Your family in a small village has decided to rebel against the traditional, hopeless peasant lifestyle and go to POWER. But be careful, though, it is a long, treacherous road.....
=========Personal========== Name: (in Japanese fashion of the time. (Surname a.k.a Family name followed by given name, there are no middle names)) Age:10-16 (will progress shortly) Height: reasonable Build: (scrawny,light, medium-light for now, can be improved w/ training) Notable attributes like birthmarks or deformities, etc.) Bio: (medium-long, short will not be tolerated ) Money:5 coin ----Attributes------ 17 points: Strength: Useful in combat and intimidation. Agility: Useful for assassinations, dodging attacks in combat, and any other tasks involving Agility. Charisma: Vital if you don't want to slash your way through every clan you encounter. Endurance: Able to do just about everything for longer and can keep fighting for longer if wounded. Leadership: How inspiring you are, and determines what types of tactics/possibly troops Luck: self-explanatory -----------Proficiencies------------ Weapons: (to be determined) Armor types: Leather Skills: - Other:- =========Equipment========== ---------Armor---------- Head+Neck: - Arms: - Torso: Torn shirt Legs: burlap breeches Hands: - Feet: dirty sandals Other: small pendant ----------Weapon----------- (pick any farmerâs tool, such as a pitchfork, but keep it relevant to the time period; may also use a wooden pole or Left hand: Right hand: Other: - -------------Miscellaneous------------ Quest: Other: ==========Family========= Current Family: (insert name here) (mother) ((healthy)) (insert) (father) ((healthy)) From here you can add as large a family as you wish, though be warned there are pros and cons. =========Clan/Politics========= (in italics) Your family name, or if you want you can use something else. Members: (insert # family members here) Subjects: Anyone under your control but not within your family/admitted members. For now, 0. Influence Level: <0 Collective Money: 100 coin --------Politics---------- Relations: (will be partially filled in after joining)
This is a sign, truly a sign from the gods themselves that I have just wasted a lot of time! I shall now attempt to communicate with this wolf creature, AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ARF, ARF, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR............ Hmm, it does not appear this poor creature can understand my dialect, I shall need A TRANSLATOR! Wherever will I find a man who can speak to Wolves? Perhaps that guy who "Dances with Wolves" can help me. Wait, that was just a movie...................What is a movie? NEVER MIND! I shall continue my quest to uh... Destroy the Ring! Wait, I was looking for somebody, but who? Oh yes, That IS who I was looking for, SOME-BODY, haha. I will take this little wolf cub with me, he can serve as translator for any more Wolves we find. Now I just need to figure out how to understand his translation, and we're in business.(Continues his search for Some-Body)
Flag Name: Mizuno Kanta Age:17 Height: 5'4" Build: (scrawny,improved w/ training) Notable attributes:none Bio: his entire life has been spent working himself to the bone just the nobility could come and take what little they had at first he accepted it thinking it was just the natural order until a few months before his birthday when his mother became ill he had been saving up to get her the medicine needed but they came here to collect there tax he tried to plead and beg them to wait and next time he'll pay them double but no they just took it that week his mother died hi last living relative ripped from his hands that was the last straw he won't stand for this anymore he will change this he will make them suffer or he'll die trying Money:5 coin ----Attributes------ 17 points: Strength:3 Agility: 4 Charisma: 2 Endurance: 4 Leadership: 2 Luck: 2 -----------Proficiencies------------ Weapons: (to be determined) Armor types: Leather Skills: - Other:- =========Equipment========== ---------Armor---------- Head+Neck: - Arms: - Torso: Torn shirt Legs: burlap breeches Hands: - Feet: dirty sandals Other: small pendant ----------Weapon----------- Left hand:kama Right hand:staff Other: - -------------Miscellaneous------------ Quest:to change this world Other: ==========Family========= Current Family: (mizuno kosuna) (mother) ((deceased)) (mizuno akio) (father) ((deceased) From here you can add as large a family as you wish, though be warned there are pros and cons. =========Clan/Politics========= (mizuno) Your family name, or if you want you can use something else. Members: (insert # family members here) Subjects: Anyone under your control but not within your family/admitted members. For now, 0. Influence Level: <0 Collective Money: 100 coin --------Politics---------- Relations: i decide to ask around tp see were the best place for me to start a new life would be
Revenge fresh on the mind, he is overconfident and quietly sneaks towards the unsuspecting samurai. Still wanting his honor intact, he will not attack an enemy from behind, even the killer of his father. "Samurai, I have come to avenge my father!"
"--, Takao, the cause of all, this Bloodshed. I come from the honorable Daimyo to find you, so that this mess may be solved..."
So you stumble-walk across the rice field and collapse in front of your father.
"What happened?" "A GIANT RAT BIT ME, thats what happened!!" you squeal. "Tis a bad Omen... Now wait here while i go fetch the doctor!" You do anything while waiting?
You find a Monk who says that nothing is wrong with you.
Eventually you see a hunter stalking a rabbit >.>
....the other families you mean? 'Clan' is a more collective term, for when your 'clan' expands much farther.
The village leader says you could stay where you're at (in your hut), move in with another family IF they allow it, or move to a bigger city.....
WAIT, HUNTER! (runs towards the hunter) Greetings, I am Yoshimitsu, and I seek Some-Body, do you know where I might find such a person? You see, I seek to end the tyranny of Feudalism, but I need Some-Body's help. Perhaps you would care to join me, humble hunter? Together, we would work faster than if I were to do it myself, what say you?
'There is the fortress of the Tihichi Clan. There is a modest-sized town surrounding it, and rumor is they are kind to their subjects, though it is quite a few sunsets away."
"Don't ignore it. I Know you know." The robed figure then easily grabs your katana-hand with blurring speed and with a flick, your Father's katana falls harmlessly to the side.