ForumsForum GamesFlyboys: Battle of Britain

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Join the German Luftwaffe or the British RAF in Battle of Britain!
Creator's note:

This is a European-based sequel(?) to my previous 2 RPGs of the same name. I have drastically changed the storyies, ideas, etc, and this is the improved version. I WILL NOT be testing out ideas, so treat this seriously! Also, please enjoy.

British Royal Airforce (RAF) Story:

The British Warmachine is in throes after the ingloriious rout at Dunkirt. Bruised and battered, but not beaten, you prepare for your new assignment: protect Britain from the inevitable assault that will surely come from the Kraut hordes. As leaflets of Hitlers 'Appeal to Reason' rain down, you are filled with a new resolve to win, at any and all cost.

German Luftwaffe Story:

Operation: SeaLion, the plan to invade the British Isles, is now in effect. Your mission? Destroy the RAF. The German Army has already sent it realing. In the words of The Fuhrer '...selected by the fates to deal the final blow to the structure which these men (Churchhill and CO.) have already set tottering...". End. Them. Now.

Both Sides:

Your goal throughout the entire campaign will be in the role as a fighter-pilot. For the RAF, this means defending their homeland. For teh Luftwaft, this includes destroying the RAF and protecting the Bombers from attack as they progress to London and other British Cities.

Sign-up is limited to FOUR PEOPLE! And try to balance it out to 2 Brits and 2 Germans; more balanced=more fun.
Name: (I shouldn't have to explain this, I hope)
Age: (19-24)
Force: (RAF or Luftwaffe)
Rank: Pilot (this will increase with kills)
Plane: (see below)
Lvl: 1 0/20 EXP
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 100/100
Armor: (see fuel)
Fuel: (you have 7 points to spend on armor and speed. more armor means you take less damage, but can stay up less. More fuel means your faster and can stay up longer, but take more damage)
Perks: (pick two, see below)
Plane Weapons: (see below)
Bio: (A short player bio about your character)
'see below' appendix
British Royal Air Force (RAF):
Start out with the Hawker Hurricane.
Plane Weapons: (2) .303 Browning Machine Guns (MGs)
German Luftwaffe
Start out with the Messerschmict BF 109e
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
British Royal Air Force (RAF) Perks:

RADAR: Your character can 'see' enemy planes and formations sooner.

Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks: If your fuel tanks are hight, less fuel will be lost.

Fisherman-Friend: If you go down, a friendly fisherman will be there to pick you up.

Exaust Covers: Your exaust pipes are covered, making you harder to see at night

Reflector Sight: Your guns are more accurate, due to your upgrade from the WWI-Era tube sight.

E-MARE-IH-CAN: Americans have come to help the war-effort: Your plane is repaired faster.

German Luftwaffe Perks:

Daschund-Belly: You have an extra fuel tank on your plane belly; your plane uses fuel more economically

Red-Cross Buoy: If you go down, a 'Swiss' AID buoy is always nearby.

Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks: If your fuel tanks are hit, you'll loose less fuel.

Londra: Italians have given you additional training; you do more damage.

Size DOES Matter: Luftwaffe's size is on your side: your plane is repaired faster.

Pure Race: Your eyesight is exceptionally good: your guns are more accurate.
A few notes:

1. There will always be one choice out of four or five in which you die or get wounded. If you happen to choose that one, don't worry, I'll give you the option to parachute out a total of 3 times. After that, it's game over. War is hell, and people die.

2. You may have noticed the Armor/Fuel tabs. These can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. More fuel means you can out run the enemy in dire situations, but more armor means you can take less damage. Play to your strengths, because the enemy plays to your weaknesses.

4. Remember that you are not limited to the choices I give you. There will almost always be an answer marked "Other," where you can do something different or even do two actions I've given you, provided they don't contradict. Surprise me with your tactical skill! If you are especially creative, you may be rewarded with a new weapon or even a perk.


  • 271 Replies
26,390 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 23/30
Fuel Amount: 30/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

This is good, right?
Also, I might be mistaken, but wasn't the Mosquito more of a bomber than a fighter?

6,800 posts

Name: Fritz von Hasselhof
Age: 19
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmitt 109e
Plane Name:
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 26/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 3
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: 2 MG-17
Perks: Self-Seal, Red Cross
Bio: Son of a Famous Infantry Officer from WW1, at the bidding of his father he joined up with the Luftwaffe to follow in his father's footsteps to Glory

You position your plane above and behind the Dornier-17s, and begin to head towards London (-40 fuel). You climb to 25000 feet, and make it to the English Coast unscathed. Right as the Dornier-17s signal 5 minutes till drop, your group gets pounced by 3 Hawker Hurricanes! Two of them head towards the bomber group, but one is headed right towards you, guns ablaze (-4HP). Do you:

A) Take out the Hurricane attacking you
B) Take out the Lead Hurricane attacking the bombers
C) Take out the Second Hurricane attacking the bombers
D) Abandon the Dornier-17s

22,207 posts

Name: Fritz von Hasselhof
Age: 19
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmitt 109e
Plane Name:
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 26/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 3
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: 2 MG-17
Perks: Self-Seal, Red Cross
Bio: Son of a Famous Infantry Officer from WW1, at the bidding of his father he joined up with the Luftwaffe to follow in his father's footsteps to Glory

A) Take out the Hurricane attacking me

6,800 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 23/30
Fuel Amount: 30/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

It was a twin-engined fighter aircraft. Made entirely in wood, it was exceptional as a fighter, reconnasance aircraft, or light bomber. Mk.II was the designated Night-Fighter. And why does 'Umbra' sound so familiar...?

With new orders, you take off from your airstrip as night falls, and turn off your flight-lights. You begin to head out towards the channel. You now have several options, and decide to:

A) Head out for the German airbases (-40 fuel)
B) Patrol over the English Coast (-20 fuel)
C) Patrol over the Channel (-20 fuel)

6,800 posts

Name: Fritz von Hasselhof
Age: 19
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmitt 109e
Plane Name:
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 26/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 3
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: 2 MG-17
Perks: Self-Seal, Red Cross
Bio: Son of a Famous Infantry Officer from WW1, at the bidding of his father he joined up with the Luftwaffe to follow in his father's footsteps to Glory.

You wheel your plane over, and open up with a short burst. Most of your shots end up in the Hurricane's Engine Block, and light smoke begins to wisp out of his Engine. He races by you, and you:

A) Turn to follow him
B) Help out the Bombers
C) Ditch the bombers, and head back to the channel
D) Make your own option


26,390 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 23/30
Fuel Amount: 30/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

Err...didn't I get refueled at base?

Fuel Amount: 30/100

If I didn't, then I will
C) Patrol over the Channel (-20 fuel)
But if I did get refueled, then I choose to
A) Head out for the German airbases (-40 fuel)

And why does 'Umbra' sound so familiar...?

It's an astrological term for the darkest part of the shadow cast during an eclipse.
283 posts

is there room for more players, or are you at the 4-player limit?

359 posts

Name: Jorden Adler
Age: 20
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmidt BF 109e
Plane Name:
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 100/100
Armor: 2
Fuel: 5
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
Perks: Londra, Pure Race
Bio: Born in Breslau, Germany, Jorden grew up with much admiration of the Red Baron. During a training accident in the early days of the war, he came upon a young lieutenant severely wounded in the forest by mortar fire. After saving his life, he was offered a position in the Luftwaffe as a mechanic. He did well and was called upon for a commissioning and finally gets a chance to follow in the footsteps of his hometown hero.

I fly above and behind them.

6,800 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

You were refueled/repaired at base; sorry.

On Umbra: Very Interesting

You head out to the German Airbases, and soon fly over a small airstrip. Theres a few planes lined up, and more could be around, so you:

A) Strafe the grounded planes
B) Bomb the Facilities
C) Search the night for any nearby 109e(m)s

6,800 posts

Name: Jorden Adler
Age: 20
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmidt BF 109e
Plane Name:
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 100/100
Armor: 2
Fuel: 5
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
Perks: Londra, Pure Race
Bio: Born in Breslau, Germany, Jorden grew up with much admiration of the Red Baron. During a training accident in the early days of the war, he came upon a young lieutenant severely wounded in the forest by mortar fire. After saving his life, he was offered a position in the Luftwaffe as a mechanic. He did well and was called upon for a commissioning and finally gets a chance to follow in the footsteps of his hometown hero.

I fly above and behind them.

So, your picking D) Make your Own Option? WOuld you mind posting what letter you pick, helps me out a lot.

So, your gonna return to your previous position, while a Hurricane gets on your six, and two other Hurricanes tear up the Dorniers? Hmmm...
359 posts

Name: Jorden Adler
Age: 20
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmidt BF 109e
Plane Name: Wanderfalke
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 100/100
Armor: 2
Fuel: 5
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
Perks: Londra, Pure Race
Bio: Born in Breslau, Germany, Jorden grew up with much admiration of the Red Baron. During a training accident in the early days of the war, he came upon a young lieutenant severely wounded in the forest by mortar fire. After saving his life, he was offered a position in the Luftwaffe as a mechanic. He did well and was called upon for a commissioning and finally gets a chance to follow in the footsteps of his hometown hero.

This is the other Luftwaffe, I just started my escort.

26,390 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

C) Search the night for any nearby 109e(m)s
Just to be safe, Cooper does a few circles of the perimeter, scouring the area for any enemy planes. He also uses his new RADAR to help him as well.

6,800 posts

Name: Jorden Adler
Age: 20
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmidt BF 109e
Plane Name: Wanderfalke
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 25/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 2
Fuel: 5
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
Perks: Londra, Pure Race
Bio: Born in Breslau, Germany, Jorden grew up with much admiration of the Red Baron. During a training accident in the early days of the war, he came upon a young lieutenant severely wounded in the forest by mortar fire. After saving his life, he was offered a position in the Luftwaffe as a mechanic. He did well and was called upon for a commissioning and finally gets a chance to follow in the footsteps of his hometown hero.

Bugger... I apologize for the inconvience.

You position your plane above and behind the Heinkel-111h's. You make it across the channel un-attested (-40 fuel), and the Heinkels signal 5 minutes till drop. Suddenly, your plane rocks violently in the air (-5HP). Tommies throwing up Flak, and they don't really care who they hit. You watch as one of the Heinkel's wings blows off, and it plummets through the clouds and out of sight. The Heinkels are releasing their payload, when suddenly, your pounced by two Hawker Hurricanes! They don't see you, and instead head right for the bombers. You:

A) Take out the lead Hurricane
B) Take out the second Hurricane
C) Abandon the Horniers
D) Dive, and start straffing London

359 posts

Name: Jorden Adler
Age: 20
Force: Luftwaffe
Rank: Pilot
Plane: Messerschmidt BF 109e
Plane Name: Wanderfalke
Lvl: 1 10/20 EXP
Kills: +
HP: 25/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 2
Fuel: 5
Plane Weapons: (2) MG-17
Perks: Londra, Pure Race
Bio: Born in Breslau, Germany, Jorden grew up with much admiration of the Red Baron. During a training accident in the early days of the war, he came upon a young lieutenant severely wounded in the forest by mortar fire. After saving his life, he was offered a position in the Luftwaffe as a mechanic. He did well and was called upon for a commissioning and finally gets a chance to follow in the footsteps of his hometown hero.

A) Take out the lead Hurricane

6,800 posts

Name: Joseph S. Cooper
Age: 20
Force: RAF
Rank: Night Fighter
Plane: de Havilland Mosquito
Plane Name: Umbra
Lvl: 2 20/50 EXP
Kills: + +
HP: 30/30
Fuel Amount: 60/100
Armor: 5
Fuel: 4
Plane Weapons: (2).303 Browning Machine Guns, (2)Light Bombs.
Perks: Reflector Sight, Exhaust Covers, RADAR.
Bio: Raised in an upper-class, influential family, drafted to the war. Sent to flight school after discovering he hated combat infantry and didn't want to be sent to the meat grinder in Europe on foot, so he had his family pull some strings and got in as a pilot.

Eh... sorry If I didn't clarify, but RADAR is more like 'better and more often reports from Fighter Command'.

You circle the Airstrip, and don't see anything (which isn't saying much, consisdering how dark it is). Your pretty sure your alone, so you:

A) Strafe the grounded planes
B) Bomb their facilities
C) Look for other targets

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