you were a ranger, your grandfather a legend that died fighting off foul creatures aiming to destroy the land. The demons were after an ancient artifact, if the artifact is destroyed a power of evil that is invincible would be unleashed upon the world, your dad died killing a warlock that wanted to destroy the artifact. yeras later the artifact was found by a peasent and served him as a tax to the king, the king found the artifact and let the priests find out the artifact's prophecy, though they mis-interpreted it, telling the king the destroyer of the artifact would become invincible in strength, and so the king wanted to destroy it, though it could only be destroyed in the middle of the elf forest, a place protected by a gigantic animal guardian. He heard of you, you had a knack for making animals trust you, and in fighting monsters too, he also knew about the mark, the ranger's mark. That sacred mark passed on generation to generation in your family gives its owner an enchatment making monsters and animals alike trust you and not attack you. And so he sent you on a quest to kill the guardian, in return he promised to give you the artifact which you knew the actual prophecy of, you killed the guardian and wanted to claim your price, but the king had evil in his heart, and so he set an assasin to kill you once you were in the castle and make it look like he was trying to get the artifact too, only he didn't succed, you understood your situation quick enough.. and so you grabed the artifact, charged out the castle and rode your steed to safety, there are still assasins on your tracks, you have to finally keep the artifact safe!
you are the wanderer
character list:
name: weapon: (something reasonable like a long sword or a bow or something) secondary wep.: (dagger, short bow, whatever...) steed: (make it not over-powered, you can be craetive like a large tiger or magic elf or whatever or just have a horse or whatever) items: rangers mark, some water, elvish bread
seylex: you head to the experimental level. Inside you see a lot of magicians working on things and a small hall with a lot of wizards practicing stuff and well... a lot of little explosions...
I se the small explosions. My Phoenix seems to like them, but i dont. "We're going to the library, because i want to keep my eyebrows" I say to my Phoenix as i head back down the tower.
Oh btw people you shouldn't do it anyway but now its the most important you DON"T look at sonic's stuff... it will spoil the game.
the rabbit meat is finished but there is some elvish bread left.
You get going and finally reach the end of the forest. You recognize the trail you are on now... you've been here 4 days ago when you first came to Pan... it seems like an eternity ago...
something has changed though... there is smoke in the distance.
seylex: you reach the library. There's a lot of books stacked up everywhere and a man writing some stuff, then he turns around and looks at you "hello dere, what'ya need?" he says with a pipe in his mouth.