basically the last person to post on this is the winner,everyone is a winner until someone else posts after im WINNING LOSERS
Winner!Winners are winners only whe the winners haven't got anything else to win.
lol It has returned! We used to have a really big one of these but mods locked it for being too spammy. Keep it over 7 words guys. Btw I won the last one so Im going to win here too. I win.
Mwahahaha!!! I am the grand champion of the universe! No one can stop me now! I'm the final champion of the posting area! Sweet!!
spam... This is a spam game that will probably get locked by either cenn or gantic (unless you dance for gantic)
Sad to say that you all have lost the game. You might as well leave and never return here because I JUST WON!
This is the stupidest game I've ever seen.
My old Nemesis, yet again... *glares at Commander, slipping Snub Nose below table*
*slipping Snub Nose below table*What do you mean by that?
a Snub Nose is a type of Revolver with the barrel sawed off. Very effective at close range.
Ah so it begins once more. *slips m-16 under table*I win btw.
How do you know that someone else won't post?
Well Im pretty good at this game and some people dont post they are winning so.............. I win.
Does that even make since?
Thread is locked!