Here's the new forum for D&D, I saved you the trouble.For anyone who wants to join here, see the other D&D forum for information.
no damage just attack
Weapon finesse
hey people wtf is going on i just got back please give me a sec can we start over so i can get oriented
it just adds to hit not damage
What is hit? Accuracy?
@Thor Hyper is developing the campaign atm, i think it best you stand to the side for a lil bit.
weapon finnese only adds to your attack bonus as in what is added when you roll to hit but not added to damage
i will post my character then so i can have some actionHyper when you have nothing i will DM
Like 1d4+1?
Thor why not DM for the other one
Yeh we have accomplished a grand total of...nothing today in the other one.
well while were waitingyou guys think i should try to get to this RPG store that has people playing the RPG's there to see if i can get in on the action?
no you will look like a retard
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