You have been summoned by a Lord Councilman of Baldur's Gate as [perhaps] skillful [mainly cheap, though] adventurers. "Ah, hello," the Lord Councilman greets you. "I've a problem I need dealt with, in the small-nearly nonexistant, really-town of Winterbrook, near the Werewoods. You've probably never heard of it, it's so small. Anyway, the Captain of the Guard there has recently informed me of a recent string of near-unsolvable murders. He said there have been three thus far, but he fears that more will follow if something is not done. So, I'm sending you. Deal with this problem using any means necessary, and you will be rewarded with 300 gold pieces, plus anything the townsfolk happen to give to you. If you accept this mission, I'll tell you the location of Winterbrook and you can head there as soon as possible, it's not far from here. The captain of the town guard should be able to tell you more once you arrive. So, do we have a deal?"