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Otaku has nothing to do with D&Ddmg on a mundane crystal dagger?
1d4 + str
yes i can see inside you the dorkness is rising
Wpn finesse, Dex 18
otakuness is like weed it's a gateway drug
1 d 4 + str
"lets get going i want to get there before nightfall"
Str 14, it is masterwork. That do anything? I also thought weapon finesse replaced Str with Dex?
what is your dex
"I say we depart with haste." Trafire adds in.not sure whether to go by neri still ( Nerisdiana) or Trafire....hmm...
you have a +6 to hit and you do a D4 + 2
neri its just easier
i'll be the unofficial bard of the playersi play my mandolin "~lets go lets go my friends we must slay the slayer~....and grab a few wenchesssssss~~~~~"
hey Loco want a new character maybe a bard LOL
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