ForumsForum GamesDestroy the Planet 4: The return to the Power

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1,373 posts

2011 AD...
The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...

The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.

Planet: Earth
Year: 2011
Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers
Health: 15,000/15,000
Resources: None
Civilized population: 0%
Population: 25,000 Humans
Defences: none
Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)

Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.

  • 825 Replies
1,761 posts

I take a titanic(as in, the size) freeze ray, and a titanic(again, the size titanic, not the ship) melting ray, and hook them onto the ship. Then, fire the freeze ray, then melting, then freeze, then melting, and doing this countinuesly would shatter the planet.

4,049 posts

The Lava sword thing is simple...
I use the heavy retal and make a blade but I make a small air-pocket thingy inside of the blade...Then Put lava in that air-pocket and make a handle out of retal or metal....
The lava inside should heat the retal up and make like a heat blade or so...
But I will not use this against this planet...
Maybe another planet....

1,373 posts

Year: 3007
Planet: Gongort
Health: 1 500/25 000
Defenders: None
Weaknesses: Acid attacks, Minerals crumble easily
Resistances: Heat/Hot attacks
Attacker resources: 60 metal, 100 water, 10 Retal
Defender resources: 100 metal, 50 water
Defences: None
Attacker stuff: Mechs (4000/5000), Dechlans Bots (200/200)
Defender fleet: None
Attacker fleet: Forward onto Dusk (1300/1500) - Weapons: Lasers, Cannons, Acid Cannons - Equipment: Hyperdrive, Cloning facilites, Learning facilities - Metal shields;; Nameless (200/200) - Weapons: None - Equipment: None - Hyperdrive
Attacker research: Charge beam (3 posts)
Defender research: None
Dead people: spartandestroyer
Prison: Nobody

(goes deeper into the planet)

lets see what i can find and what i can grind...

You go too deep! You grind up the core, and all the lava implodes towards you! The grinder cant hold out that much pressure. 3000 damage! But the grinder is lost, and you dead... Maybe someone can revive you, but the round is close to its end anyway.

... ok, research the 'charge' beam.(which allows me to charge all beam weapons)

Researching now.

i take the hyperdrive core down to the planet and rig it to explode which would ultimately maby rip a hole in time

No, not a hole in time. It does not modify space-time, it just goes really fast.

I take a titanic(as in, the size) freeze ray, and a titanic(again, the size titanic, not the ship) melting ray, and hook them onto the ship. Then, fire the freeze ray, then melting, then freeze, then melting, and doing this countinuesly would shatter the planet.

Right now there is only enough metal for one of them. Which one?

The Lava sword thing is simple...
I use the heavy retal and make a blade but I make a small air-pocket thingy inside of the blade...Then Put lava in that air-pocket and make a handle out of retal or metal....
The lava inside should heat the retal up and make like a heat blade or so...
But I will not use this against this planet...
Maybe another planet....

The retal is way too heavy. a pea-sized sphere has the weight of 1kg. And the lava would do no damage if kept inside, unless its meant for decoration, or a heat blade as you said. Retal wouldnt work.
2,081 posts

(does the maths)

6500 dmg from the core grinder in total...

(does more maths)

i killed myself and lost our team 120 metal but i took out over 1/5th of the planets HP! if there had been 5 of me...

1,761 posts

Build the freeze ray! Then attach it to the ship and freeze the planet!

4,049 posts

Then what if I used plain Metal....

1,373 posts

Year: 3007
Planet: Gongort
Health: 2 500/25 000
Defenders: None
Weaknesses: Acid attacks, Minerals crumble easily
Resistances: Heat/Hot attacks
Attacker resources: 0 metal, 100 water, 10 Retal
Defender resources: 100 metal, 50 water
Defences: None
Attacker stuff: Mechs (4000/5000), Dechlans Bots (200/200)
Defender fleet: None
Attacker fleet: Forward onto Dusk (1600/1600) - Weapons: Lasers, Cannons, Acid Cannons, Freeze Ray - Equipment: Hyperdrive, Cloning facilites, Learning facilities - Metal shields;; Nameless (200/200) - Weapons: None - Equipment: None - Hyperdrive
Attacker research: Charge beam (2 posts)
Defender research: None
Dead people: spartandestroyer
Prison: Nobody

(does the maths)

6500 dmg from the core grinder in total...

(does more maths)

i killed myself and lost our team 120 metal but i took out over 1/5th of the planets HP! if there had been 5 of me...

It hasnt been a complete waste though... Maybe next time you should be more careful with it :P

Build the freeze ray! Then attach it to the ship and freeze the planet!

You use up all metal, but a freeze ray. Its on the ship now. You fire it, you cool down the mostly molten planet and it becomes partially solid again! You accidently healed it by 1000 damage...
1,373 posts

Sorry Raze, forgot about your post :P

Then what if I used plain Metal....

Yes, that could work.
13,701 posts

... how much would a pheonix down cost? because i want to use one on Spartandestroyer...

2,081 posts

whats a phoenix down?

4,049 posts

I quickly get some more metal and make the lava blade...
Then I use the freeze ray that was built and shoot it down on the planet for a long time...
Hopefully changing the resistance to cold instead of heat...
Then I go around killing people with my awesome lava blade!!!!!!!!!!!!
But with some backup from some soliders with guns

1,373 posts

Year: 3007
Planet: Gongort
Health: 4 000/25 000
Defenders: None
Weaknesses: Acid attacks, Minerals crumble easily
Resistances: Heat/Hot attacks
Attacker resources: 0 metal, 100 water, 10 Retal
Defender resources: 100 metal, 50 water
Defences: None
Attacker stuff: Mechs (4000/5000), Dechlans Bots (200/200)
Defender fleet: None
Attacker fleet: Forward onto Dusk (1600/1600) - Weapons: Lasers, Cannons, Acid Cannons, Freeze Ray - Equipment: Hyperdrive, Cloning facilites, Learning facilities - Metal shields;; Nameless (200/200) - Weapons: None - Equipment: None - Hyperdrive
Attacker research: Charge beam (1 posts)
Defender research: None
Dead people: spartandestroyer
Prison: Nobody

... how much would a pheonix down cost? because i want to use one on Spartandestroyer...

No killing teammates!

I quickly get some more metal and make the lava blade...
Then I use the freeze ray that was built and shoot it down on the planet for a long time...
Hopefully changing the resistance to cold instead of heat...
Then I go around killing people with my awesome lava blade!!!!!!!!!!!!
But with some backup from some soliders with guns

The resistance does not change. It just makes the planet more solid, healing it even more! You also barely find any people on the planet, almost all of them have been destroyed with the surface.
2,081 posts

i wanna know what the phoenix down does... also dont bother trying to kill me cause im already dead and rather much a bit disintegrated by the lava... if you get me out in time then i could get some sythetic replacements...

1,255 posts

well can i join ?

if can i make some meches that heat dosnt heart them and i send them to the senture of the planet in the planet! and i set a bomb in there ka booom!

4,049 posts

Wait....Why then destroy the Planet if we have almost killed everybody...
I say that we should capture the Planet for us Humans so that are civilizaztion can expand even more....

Well Only if possible..
If not I then get some more Metal from the Planet and make 2 auto turrets that will shoot enemys and planets damaging them...

P.S It can be Manual too in case of Malufunction.

Showing 646-660 of 825