ForumsForum GamesDestroy the Planet 4: The return to the Power

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2011 AD...
The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...

The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.

Planet: Earth
Year: 2011
Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers
Health: 15,000/15,000
Resources: None
Civilized population: 0%
Population: 25,000 Humans
Defences: none
Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)

Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.

  • 825 Replies
1,761 posts

Hmmmmm....*strokes non-existant beard*....I shall construct an orb with AI intelligence, smarter then any human or computer before. It shall be able to predict results to what we do(to the best of its abillity) and suggest strategys to take this planet down! It shall be the ultimate AI! It shall also have 3 fire walls to block it from defecting. One against corruption, one against viruses, and one against becomeing to self aware.

13,701 posts

pheonix down: revives an idiot.

2,081 posts

sadly that wouldnt work cause im not an idiot.

(i got a high-distinction for a maths test in year 7 and thats about the top 5%)

1,373 posts

Year: 3007
Planet: Gongort
Health: 4 000/25 000
Defenders: None
Weaknesses: Acid attacks, Minerals crumble easily
Resistances: Heat/Hot attacks
Attacker resources: 10 metal, 100 water, 10 Retal
Defender resources: 100 metal, 50 water
Defences: None
Attacker stuff: Mechs (4000/5000), Dechlans Bots (200/200), Turrets (500/500), Super AI (10 000/10 000) (The firewalls cannot be damaged physically, of course. You have to try to hack them)
Defender fleet: None
Attacker fleet: Forward onto Dusk (1600/1600) - Weapons: Lasers, Cannons, Acid Cannons, Freeze Ray - Equipment: Hyperdrive, Cloning facilites, Learning facilities - Metal shields;; Nameless (200/200) - Weapons: None - Equipment: None - Hyperdrive
Attacker research: Charge beam completed
Defender research: None
Dead people: spartandestroyer
Prison: Nobody

i wanna know what the phoenix down does... also dont bother trying to kill me cause im already dead and rather much a bit disintegrated by the lava... if you get me out in time then i could get some sythetic replacements...

sonic already said, it revives you. But two things. One: No magical/mythical creatures, unless explained how they are made. Two: As you said, your body is molten. Along with the core-grinder and the crew... That woudlnt work. But every player has a DNA sample stored in the DNA storage, in the case of a death. I wonder what you can do with it...

well can i join ?

if can i make some meches that heat dosnt heart them and i send them to the senture of the planet in the planet! and i set a bomb in there ka booom!

Sure you can join You have no metal to make the mechs...

Wait....Why then destroy the Planet if we have almost killed everybody...
I say that we should capture the Planet for us Humans so that are civilizaztion can expand even more....

Well Only if possible..
If not I then get some more Metal from the Planet and make 2 auto turrets that will shoot enemys and planets damaging them...

P.S It can be Manual too in case of Malufunction.

Some may have survived, and some of the locals may be very important. They are blockaded and they cannot escape easily, this is a great opportunity to wipe out potential threats. And the planet is almost completely destroyed, it is almost impossible to repair it back. The best way to get metal right now, is to take some lava, cool it down to solid and separate the useful stuff. But thats just a fact for your info. You gather exactly enough metal to make turrets. Only a little bit of spare metal.

Hmmmmm....*strokes non-existant beard*....I shall construct an orb with AI intelligence, smarter then any human or computer before. It shall be able to predict results to what we do(to the best of its abillity) and suggest strategys to take this planet down! It shall be the ultimate AI! It shall also have 3 fire walls to block it from defecting. One against corruption, one against viruses, and one against becomeing to self aware.

You are making an AI that could start producing more intelligent versions of itself. That could lead to a huge disaster. But with the firewalls it is secured for now.

pheonix down: revives an idiot.

This may not have anything to do with an actual phoenix, but as I said, no magical/mythical creatures, and his body has been completely destroyed. There is a sample of his DNA in the DNA storage though...
4,049 posts

You forgot to add my turret into weapons

I go with my auto turet and let it shoot the planet while I shoot with the cannon!

13,701 posts

then lets charge up the power beam, and fire it at the planet!

1,761 posts

Hmmm...I emplant a serf destruct code inside the AI, that only i know. So that if it fails me, I can say it/type it into it, and it will destroy it. Also, if i havent stated this, the AI is implanted in our flag ship. I have it calculate the best way to destroy this planet.

1,285 posts

I send tons and tons and tons of acid onto the planet.

2,081 posts

i did open up the core of the planet... try shooting the core! also put my DNA in the regenerator chamber.

1,373 posts

Year: 3007
Planet: Gongort
Health: 2 900/25 000
Defenders: None
Weaknesses: Acid attacks, Minerals crumble easily
Resistances: Heat/Hot attacks
Attacker resources: 10 metal, 100 water, 10 Retal
Defender resources: 100 metal, 50 water
Defences: None
Attacker stuff: Mechs (4000/5000), Dechlans Bots (200/200), Turrets (500/500), Super AI (10 000/10 000) (The firewalls cannot be damaged physically, of course. You have to try to hack them)
Defender fleet: None
Attacker fleet: Forward onto Dusk (1600/1600) - Weapons: Lasers, Cannons, Acid Cannons, Freeze Ray - Equipment: Hyperdrive, Cloning facilites, Learning facilities - Metal shields;; Nameless (200/200) - Weapons: None - Equipment: None - Hyperdrive
Attacker research: Charge beam completed
Defender research: None
Dead people: spartandestroyer
Prison: Nobody

You forgot to add my turret into weapons

I go with my auto turet and let it shoot the planet while I shoot with the cannon!

I added turrets. BTW, what is the turret firing? Normal bullets wont cause much on a planet.

then lets charge up the power beam, and fire it at the planet!

You fire the beam! 1000 damage dealt!

Hmmm...I emplant a serf destruct code inside the AI, that only i know. So that if it fails me, I can say it/type it into it, and it will destroy it. Also, if i havent stated this, the AI is implanted in our flag ship. I have it calculate the best way to destroy this planet.

The potential of failing and horribly killing all living beings has been limited. The AI is on the flagship, OK. It found out some stuff:
Shockwaves: Vibrations that travel through most kinds of matter.
Spread slower in gases, faster in liquids, even faster in solids.
Shockwaves may cause the local minerals to crumble. Spread good through lava.
The more central the source is the better. Suggested target: Core.

I send tons and tons and tons of acid onto the planet.

The acid melts the remaining continets only slightly, while most of it only fell into the lava. 100 damage.

i did open up the core of the planet... try shooting the core! also put my DNA in the regenerator chamber.

You never opened it up literally, all the lava from the mantle just covered it all up again. Your DNA has been cloned, now the LITTLE BABBY (If you get that reference, you ARE awesome.) will soon grow into a grown man, but only after some years, at the next attack on a planet.
1,761 posts

I sneak into the lab and make a copy of my brain waves, and make a extra spartandestroyer clone which I replace its brain waves with mine, and entrust the computer to take care of it. And program it to give it my memorys and personallity and all that, should i die. If i dont die, leave it hidden. Then i create a machine which will be droped on the planet, dig in it, and repeativly pound on it with 2 giant "mallets" to cause destruction through tremors.

2,081 posts

you mean like the core grinder (the one which got owned by 9001 tons of core lava)?

also someone use that time accelerator that was somewhere... it wasnt left in the insanely powerful 50 ton mechanical alien infested maze was it?

1,285 posts

I send a scout to steal the defenders reacources.

1,761 posts

@spartan, i dont know what the core grinder is, so i dont know if i copied that.

2,081 posts

there is minor footage of it on page 63 (i think it is) so you might have actually copied it...

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