Introduction You are in prison for few crimes committed against the law. You can't take it anymore and it's time to get out of here!
Rules You must tell what do you do in your post with one or two sentences, you may also use three, but I don't want huge texts. All your posts must be possible.
Other On every of your posts I will make reply, telling you if it was success, or someone's coming, or someone called you etc.
Razerules You tell Larry about it and you enter in a conversation!
Conversation: Larry: No way fish! What if they caught me? I'll get 10 more years. I am getting out of here in 8 months fish! 8 months! I can't stay 10 more years! Razerules: __________________________________
Razerules Conversation: Razerules: Ok. I will try to get out and you dont.Just dont tell anybody about this.Ok? Larry: Yeah su~~Wait, what's that in your pocket? (looks at your spoon)
Tangramfool You are in Cell 22, with a bully guy 210 cm tall and very heavy. He then cracks his fists...meaning that he will torture you, but fortunately, it's Pause time (be outside on the daylight for 1 hour). He then says "You got lucky this time, fimp!" You gotta come up with something for 1 hour to save yourself.
"Oh this.Its a spoon.I wana make a weapon with it so i can attack a prison gaurd,take his gun,shoot more gaurds,get to the control place,free all the prisinors,make a riot then get out.Simple plan but its a very good plan"
Razerules Larry: Oh, my former cellmate tried the same, exactly the same, but when he killed the prison guard, he was instantly shot by other cops while taking the gun...****, I won't forget him, he was so good. By the way, how will you make a weapon from a spoon?
I stand close to another guy and pull a loose brick out the wall. I chuck it at the bully guy and his heads bleeding. Fortunately hes does not think it is me he thinks its the other guy and starts beating him up and nearly killing him. He gets taken away and put in solitary confinement. I saw something flashy fall out of his pocket when he was being taken away. Its a lockpick. I take it, it will be useful. I get taken back to my cell.
Tangramfool you cant decide the outcome. So you cant say a lockpick fell out of his pocket or the big bully prisinor didnt beat you up. Larmus must decide.