i know this type of thread has already been created but this is slightly different you can suggest charecters and only from Tv/games/mangathe first enemy is........ NarutoHP:100Chakara:100weakneses:nearly everythingResistance:noneGL
This insults me.I love manga,anime,and all sorts of japenese animations.
............. ok you have to destroy the evil spirit posesing him and this wont kill hime OAKY
Much better I send out a Raichu and use Thunder.I'm fighting anime with anime!
ok Naruto uses shadow clone justsu But he failsteh lightning hits the shadowclone and deals carry damage to narutoNarutoHP:90Chakara:90weakneses:nearly everythingResistance:noneefectaralysed
i attack naruto with a vampire chicken
coolio, anime/manga rules!I get a SpiritBlade (Blade of pure air compact by spirits) And attack him!
I use Hyper beam on naruto.Anime and manga rulez!!!
spiritblade slashes naruto for damage 30hyper beam deals heavy damage (you must recharge) 60NarutoHP:10Chakara:70weakneses:nearly everythingResistance:noneefect:Transforming
I use charge then I use zap cannon.
RAWR!! I go all barbarian and sumo wrestle him!
i go super sayen then attack naruto
mechninjaHP:100Status:rechargningkingjhttpHP:100Status:noneITheNormalPersonHP:100status:nonemech:cant atack u r rechargeingI:deals 0 damageNarutoHP:500chakara:500status:2 tails modeNaruto atacks uses red chakara fist dealing 20 damage to mech
dude what about mehi go super sayen then attack naruto
GhostSauce:HP:100status:noneatack dose 0 damage
DAnm Ninja'dnaruto is now fully transformed your atacks can now do damage Kill him before he goes into 4 tails mode plz
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