i know this type of thread has already been created but this is slightly different you can suggest charecters and only from Tv/games/mangathe first enemy is........ NarutoHP:100Chakara:100weakneses:nearly everythingResistance:noneGL
That's it,I summon lugia and ho-oh then I tell ho-oh to use sacred fire and lugia to use aeroblast.
mechninjaHP:100Status:rechargningkingjhttpHP:100Status:noneITheNormalPersonHP:100status:nonemech:HP:100Status:noneD-D-D-Double attack100 damageGhostSauce:HP:100status:noneNarutoHP:420chakara:500status:2 tails modenaruto heals 20 health
I siummon a Garchomp,Lucario,and an Absol to use D
Srry,I pressed enter by accident.To use Draco meteor + Shadow claw + Aura sphere.
*preforms a string of hand seals* WATER STYLE: WATER SHARK BOMB JUTSU!fighting naruto with naruto
rick073HP:100Status:noneBoooooom 50 damagemechninjaHP:100Status:noneBOOM BOOM BOOM 20 40 and 40 damgae aquired speacialtymultiple atack fightingkingjhttpHP:100Status:noneITheNormalPersonHP:100status:nonemech:HP:100Status:noneD-D-D-Double attack100 damageGhostSauce:HP:100status:noneNarutoHP:310chakara:500status:2 tails modenaruto heals 20 health
... you guys just had to piss off naruto didn't you... i get the seal jiraiya made and use it to suppress the demon chakra.
GhostSauce:HP:100status:nonei go into a gundam and attemp blast the crap out of him
I use a Sceptile,Torterra,and Meganium and tell them all to use leaf storm.
Hmmm... Swampert attacks with mudslap!
Raikou used Thunder Fang on Naruto!It's super effective!Naruto fainted...Raikou gained 438 EXP!
sonicheroes95HP:100Status none seal sucsesfull naruto cant regen or atack for 2 turnsrick073HP:100Status:noneBoooooom 50 damagemechninjaHP:100Status:noneC-C-C-COMBO BREAKER 150 daamage totalaquired speacialtymultiple atack fightingkingjhttpHP:100Status:noneITheNormalPersonHP:100status:noneSLAP SLAP 60 damageGhostSauce:HP:100status:noneNarutoHP:100chakara:N/Astatus:2 tails mode
shouldn't he of fainted now from using the demon chakra... i hit a pressure point to knock him out, then i help defend him from the idiots that wants to kill him.
sonicheroes95HP:100Status: none rick073HP:100Status:nonemechninjaHP:100Status:nonekingjhttpHP:100Status:noneITheNormalPersonHP:100status:noneGhostSauce:HP:100status:noneNarutoevil spirit defeated new enemy..........Maka albarnHP:100Status:noneSoul Eater evansHP:100Mode:humanStatus:noneI cant be near a computer during the week anyone want to take over from me during the week?first person who posts gets it if they want and by my discrestion
sure ill do it can i still play
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