The title says it all, this game is about evolving from a tiny cell and into whichever species you want (you can create your own, so no worries on following evolutionary traits)
Character sheet as follows:
Name: (insert name of your creature here, max 2) Species name: (Optional) Diet: (herbivore or carnivore, omnivore after lvl3 can be chosen) Animal stage: Cell Health: carnivore 8/8, herbivore 10/10 Lvl: 1 EXP: 0/15 Offensive: (claws, spikes, fangs, etc) carnivore choose 1, herbivore choose none Deffensive: (none yet) Speed: (flagellum,cillia) carnivore choose flagellum, herbivore choose cilia Other: none
What each part of character sheet does in the game (even though its obvious):
Name, species name: duh
Carnivore: Mainly Evolves Offensive parts. Usually works alone. Has a passive battle bonus, and other creatures will try not to get in your way (they will run away) All of these increases as your LVL goes up
Herbivore: Mainly evolves Deffensive parts. Usually stays in groups. Randomly get +EXP after an event, other creatures will socialize with you, however youre the most hunted species
Omnivore: Mainly evolves Speed parts. They socialize mainly with other omnivores, as herbivores are doubtful of you(they think you might eat them). Randomly gets a +2 max HP bonus on LVL up
LVL: Each time you level up I will update your character sheet and give you options on what you can evolve (you can also ask me for other options). Whenever you level up, your health will recover by 3 and your health total by 1, your EXP needed to level up will also increase by 10.
EXP: duh. the amount of experience points you have and amount needed to LVL up
Offensive: Lists your offensive body parts and allows for unlocking of new attacks. Carnivores develop this easier
Deffensive:: Lists your deffensive body parts and allows for less-risky gameplay. Developed easier by herbivores
Speed Lists your body parts that give you speed/mobility, which allows for easier exploring and escaping succesfully. Omnivores get a wider range of these
Other: Lists functions not covered by the above three, which includes thumbs, weapon creation and Intelligence
This game is inspired by Spore and the hours of fun it gave to me. Player limit will be 5, please post your character sheet whenever you post an action. You decide to take an action I DECIDE THE OUTCOME
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Haleth-grepis Diet: Herbivore Animal stage: Cell Health: herbivore 11/11 Lvl: 2 EXP: 8/15 Offensive:Fangs Defensive: None Speed: Cilia Other: Random EXP after event Party: Weegi (Carnivore cell) 5/5 HP NOOOOOO! Anyways, I go see for a way around
You are filled with rage, and so attempt to find who did it in order to get revenge. You find a carnivore cell after only a bit of traveling, stats as follows:
HP: 3/6 Offensive: Fangs Defensive: Thicker skin Speed: Flagellum Other: None ============ Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Haleth-grepis Diet: Herbivore Animal stage: Cell Health: herbivore 11/11 Lvl: 2 EXP: 8/15 Offensive:Fangs Defensive: None Speed: Cilia Other: Random EXP after event Party: Weegi (Carnivore cell) 5/5 HP Squeegee (Herbivore cell) 4/6 HP LOST
Not wishing to end up like Squeegee you try to make your way around the current. After being careful of all the different currents you finally reach stable water (+1 EXP). Weegee starts growling, however you do not know why, there doesnt seem to be anything in the distance... ============ Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: carnivore Animal stage: Cell Health: carnivore 8/9 lvl:2 EXP:1/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: Speed: flagellum Other: Intimidation Party: carnivore cell "(Epic"6/6 HP
You examine the dead corpse, and now are sure he is your father. You quickly try to find who killed it in order to avenge him, but arent lucky. You then decide it is time to find the rest of the species. After traveling some time you are yet to find anyone, however your surroundings have changed
Front: Black zone Back: Where you came from Left: Extremely lighted zone Right: Small purple glow.
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Haleth-grepis Diet: Herbivore Animal stage: Cell Health: herbivore 11/11 Lvl: 2 EXP: 10/15 Offensive:Fangs Defensive: None Speed: Cilia Other: Random EXP after event Party: Weegi (Carnivore cell) 5/5 HP Squeegee (Herbivore cell) 4/6 HP LOST
You can communicate to other players or NPC characters excpet your ally(s). Why? Because you are a cell, be glad you can give them orders :P I know this game isnt realistic though
Anywho, you take his growling as a warning sign and carefully start looking for some plants. On your way you encounter some dead bodies. They dont seem to have cuts or other signs that they died from a fight though. You then encounter a BIG (and I mean it, BIG) plant. Thats right, not a piece, a whole plant. (+1 EXP) Random EXP activate! (+1 EXP) ============= Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: carnivore Animal stage: Cell Health: carnivore 8/9 lvl:2 EXP:2/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: Speed: flagellum Other: Intimidation Party: carnivore cell "Epic"6/6 HP
You feel the best thing to do is go to the (extremely) lighted zone. You do not sense any danger, but you can barely see, the light is really intense. From what you do see a bit there is some red stuff to your front, and of course to your back where you came from. (+1 EXP) ============== Name: Rapyion Species name: Illness Diet: Carnivore Animal stage: Cell Health: 9/9 Lvl: 2 EXP: 1/15 Offensive: Fangs, side spikes Defensive: N/a Speed: Flagellum Other: Intimidation Party: herbivore cell, heat res. "Jeprem" 6/6 HP
You decide that since Jeprem is not going to make use of the meat you start eating it (+1 HP, +1 EXP).
Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: carnivore Animal stage: Cell Health: carnivore 8/9 lvl:2 EXP:2/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: Speed: flagellum Other: Intimidation Party: carnivore cell "Epic"6/6 HP Color: blue
Oh ok thanks the reson i asked you what mmy color was is beacouse 1, I dont wanna attack my own spichies and 2, so i know who it is so if you dont mind ill just add color really quick! And if you accsept my color as blue i will try to eat the red thing if i alrady havent. If not then please state my color.