The title says it all, this game is about evolving from a tiny cell and into whichever species you want (you can create your own, so no worries on following evolutionary traits)
Character sheet as follows:
Name: (insert name of your creature here, max 2) Species name: (Optional) Diet: (herbivore or carnivore, omnivore after lvl3 can be chosen) Animal stage: Cell Health: carnivore 8/8, herbivore 10/10 Lvl: 1 EXP: 0/15 Offensive: (claws, spikes, fangs, etc) carnivore choose 1, herbivore choose none Deffensive: (none yet) Speed: (flagellum,cillia) carnivore choose flagellum, herbivore choose cilia Other: none
What each part of character sheet does in the game (even though its obvious):
Name, species name: duh
Carnivore: Mainly Evolves Offensive parts. Usually works alone. Has a passive battle bonus, and other creatures will try not to get in your way (they will run away) All of these increases as your LVL goes up
Herbivore: Mainly evolves Deffensive parts. Usually stays in groups. Randomly get +EXP after an event, other creatures will socialize with you, however youre the most hunted species
Omnivore: Mainly evolves Speed parts. They socialize mainly with other omnivores, as herbivores are doubtful of you(they think you might eat them). Randomly gets a +2 max HP bonus on LVL up
LVL: Each time you level up I will update your character sheet and give you options on what you can evolve (you can also ask me for other options). Whenever you level up, your health will recover by 3 and your health total by 1, your EXP needed to level up will also increase by 10.
EXP: duh. the amount of experience points you have and amount needed to LVL up
Offensive: Lists your offensive body parts and allows for unlocking of new attacks. Carnivores develop this easier
Deffensive:: Lists your deffensive body parts and allows for less-risky gameplay. Developed easier by herbivores
Speed Lists your body parts that give you speed/mobility, which allows for easier exploring and escaping succesfully. Omnivores get a wider range of these
Other: Lists functions not covered by the above three, which includes thumbs, weapon creation and Intelligence
This game is inspired by Spore and the hours of fun it gave to me. Player limit will be 5, please post your character sheet whenever you post an action. You decide to take an action I DECIDE THE OUTCOME
Having patience you leave the cell behind and head forthe green stuff you saw. You quickly reach it and notice it is............plant pieces ._. ========================================
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 10/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
Spawn set, no need to sleep BTW
Things are going perfectly, you think. A decent nest, you are healthy, now the only thing left is to get more party members!
And thus you begin your search for allies. You travel some time and directly to your front find a a forest-like zone, but with kelp instead of trees, and there is also some coral to your right. You came from your back ======================
Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Omnivorus zombie, Much like the zombies in left 4 dead but smarter and actualy sustain themselfs. Living element: earth Health: 5/10 lvl:3 EXP:3/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: none Speed: Legs Other: Intimidation, disease: zombiezism Party: Win Omnivore 3/7 HP
After setting up your nest you and Win start a search for food. The task is hard, since you are on montanous terrain and it nighttime, thus not many animals are out there. All you manage to find is some fruits
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 10/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
Heading back to the asleep cell and noticing it has yet to wake up you poke it. The response is immediate, however he doesnt respond as you expected him to, attacking you (-1 HP). Seeing him now as a threat you attack back, with help of Servus, and manage to kill him, not without getting damaged, though. (-3 HP, -2 Servus HP, +3 EXP)
LEVEL UP!!! Max HP +1, HP recovered by 3.
Choose an evolving organ from the ones listed below, or suggest your own, I will then decide if it is acceptable or overpowered
Side spikes: When attacked, the attacker also recieves damage and are less likely to attack, in the first place. Claws: You deal more damage. Also they can be handy for use as tools Fangs lv2: Your fangs look cooler, are sharper, and deal more damage Cilia: Increases our speed Poison glands(PO): Whenever you want to use this, you can use some functions that can poison enemies, and be used both for defense and offense
Post your decision or part suggestion alongside your next action in your following post, thanks ===============================
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 10/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
With the brains of a LVL5 (4th wall broken?) you decide to explore the forest, however only in a straight line. You travel some time and you dont spot anything interesting, the only things you have seen are:
A herbivore eating (looked like a lvl3) Some stones The remains of a dead fish
However all of these things are not in a straight line :/
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 10/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
O, I rip up the forest beside me, so I can come back, then go to the heravored
Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Omnivorus zombie, Much like the zombies in left 4 dead but smarter and actualy sustain themselfs. Living element: earth Health: 5/10 lvl:3 EXP:3/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: none Speed: Legs Other: Intimidation, disease: zombiezism Party: Win Omnivore 3/7 HP
Yay fruit! I atemt to cotaminate it. If posible i moove furether down the mountan. If not i finaly sleep.
You are exited about your newly acquired claws, but before trying them out its time to eat! (+1 Servus HP, +2 HP, +1 EXP,thats right, you even get EXP from eating sometimes ) ============================
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 11/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
A straight line is just plain boring, so you cut a path to the herbivore you saw. You reach him, and he still has the same poker face, he pretty much ignores you ._.
Random EXP! you were missing this werent ya? +1! ===============================
Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Omnivorus zombie, Much like the zombies in left 4 dead but smarter and actualy sustain themselfs. Living element: earth Health: 7/10 lvl:3 EXP:3/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: none Speed: Legs Other: Intimidation, disease: zombiezism Party: Win Omnivore 5/7 HP
Acting wisely, you bite the fruit, leaving a mark as less spottable as you can, and then try to head down the mountain. You start going down a bit, but soon realize that it is going to be hard, and you are both tired, so you decide to go back and sleep. (+2 HP both) ======================
Character sheet is perfect, welcome to my RPG if you have any questions feel free to ask
You open your eyes for the first time, the first thing your eyes see is your caring mother, who was awating your birth. She points thowards your right. As you turn that direction, you see 2 members of your species traveling. Before leaving, you take a look around, you spot some green stuff, a weird yellowish glow and a red dot in the distance.
Name: Grepis Lethael Species name: Istiophorus Platypterus Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Sailfish Living element: Water Health: 15/16 Lvl: 5 EXP: 11/15 Offensive:Fangs, EO Defensive: EO EP: 7/7 Speed: Fins Other: Random EXP after event, Random Max HP bonus after lvl up, gills (HP regen) Party: Skrak (carnivore)11/11
Name: D@D Species name: jim Diet: Omnivore Animal stage: Small Animal Animal to be: Omnivorus zombie, Much like the zombies in left 4 dead but smarter and actualy sustain themselfs. Living element: earth Health: 7/10 lvl:3 EXP:3/15 Offensive: fangs, claws Defensive: none Speed: Legs Other: Intimidation, disease: zombiezism Party: Win Omnivore 5/7 HP
ahh Time to wake up! We attempt to go find some animals and this time well eat them.