OK i want to make my game again but this time im taking it to 100 posts.game from the popular elder scrolls series.also new and improved version
char. sheet: name: age: hp: magicka: stamina: specializationpick one) lvl:1 exp:0/30 race: main skillspick seven) main attributespick 2) stats: strength: intelligence: endurance: agility: luck: speed: personality: willpower: ---------------- spells: factionpick below if you want one) occupationlook below if you want one) housesyou'll get one in game) bounty:none inventory weapons: armor: magic: misc: equipped:
races * Altmer: (a.k.a. High Elves)they are the best spell casters in the world and are also good at alchemy * Argonian:they are immune to poison and can breathe under water and are good with sneak * Bosmer: (a.k.a. Wood Elves) they are the best marksmen and good at light armor * Breton:great conjurers and are good at restoratn magic * Dunmer: they are good at destruction magic and swords and bows (a.k.a. Dark Elves) * Imperial:they are great merchants and are OK at fighting * Khajiit:they are very agile in nature and can see in the dark * Nord:they are the best swordsmen in the world and are also the best defenders. * Orc:they are great for warriors and heavy armor with blunt and armorers * Redguard:they are warriors in nature with blades
Attribute Skills Governed by the Attribute Strength Blade Blunt Hand to Hand Endurance Armorer Block Heavy Armor Speed Athletics Acrobatics Light Armor Agility Security Sneak Marksman Personality Mercantile Speechcraft Illusion Intelligence Alchemy Conjuration Mysticism Willpower Alteration Destruction Restoration Luck (Affects all skills a little bit)
Specialization Combat Stealth Magic
joining a guild has both benefits and consequences.you don't need to join a guild.you can always join a guild in game. Major Guilds * Fighters Guild -- An Imperially-chartered guild dedicated to serving the people of Cyrodiil. * Mages Guild -- An Imperially-chartered guild dedicated to the study of magicka. * Thieves Guild -- A secret guild dedicated to thievery. * Dark Brotherhood -- A secret guild dedicated to hired killings. * Arena -- A team competing in the Imperial City deathmatch-style Arena.
Minor Guilds The Blades -- The Emperor's personal bodyguards and operatives Blackwood Company -- Competition for the Fighters Guild. Mythic Dawn -- a cult that worships dark gods Necromancers Cult--a cult of necromancers
or you can pick to not join any faction.in that case just put none.
occupations new feature where you can pick a job for yourself.you dont need one if you dot need one.
merchant:you can be a merchant who stays in the town or city to sell things or you can ravel around selling your wares.your choice.
mercenary:warrior who works for who ever pays him.
researcher:makes spells and study's plants
town guard:guards the town or city from attack.also protects the towns or city's provinces.
priest:works for the church and does priestly things.
name: blue wings age: 17 hp:80/80 magicka:90/90 stamina:90/90 specialization: magic lvl:1 exp:0/30 race: altmer main skills: Sneak, conjuration, Illusion, security, Alchemy, Mysticism, Restoration main attributes:Intelligence, personality stats: strength:40 intelligence:65 endurance:45 agility:44 luck:50 speed:50 personality:65 willpower:55 ---------------- spells:flare,heal minor wounds faction: mages guild occupation:researcher houses: bounty:none inventory weapons:rusty iron dagger armor:enchanted robes(2) magic:spell book,novice mortar and pestle misc:blank scrolls(5) equipped:
you walk in to your mages guild building and the master there says"oh your here good. i need you to go retrieve this book called 1egged potions.its about human body parts in the potions.now off you go".what now
name: blue wings age: 17 hp:80/80 magicka:90/90 specialization: magic lvl:1 exp:0/30 race: altmer main skills: Sneak, conjuration, Illusion, security, Alchemy, Mysticism, Restoration main attributes:Intelligence, personality stats: strength:40 intelligence:65 endurance:45 agility:44 luck:50 speed:50 personality:65 willpower:55 ---------------- spells:flare,heal minor wounds faction: mages guild occupation:researcher houses: bounty:none inventory weapons:rusty iron dagger armor:enchanted robes(2) magic:spell book,novice mortar and pestle misc:blank scrolls(5) equipped:
alright you get one wish and it is to have a staff.
your guild master turns around and says" oh here this came in for you.its a powerful staff that can be used for a multitude of spells.now of on your duty."what now.
yea but if your an blacksmith you might want armorer for a main skill.just saying
you wake up in the basement of your bosses store.he offered for you to stay there when he found out you had no house.you jump when you notice someone beside you.you hear a soothing voice say"relax brother it is just me".you see a woman standing there in the dark brotherhood armor.she says"i have a contract for you.you have to travel to anvil to kill the town guard master.hes been putting a lot of pressure on the brother and sisters there.alright ill leave now".what now
i am really sorry for double posting. i forgot to equip myself. btw. could you explain better about anything that can be equiped or any magic spell people have?
OK the scrolls you'll find out later.the staff can be used to enhance any of your spells you know.flare is a very weak fireball while heal minor wounds heals you a little.you can study out of your spell book when you have time.
he says"oh sorry.go to the books for magic store to get it".what now.
you head over to a dark building where no guards go to close to.as you walk in the house you see a guard staring at you.you head in and walk down the tunnel to a door.you head in and see your contractor standing a short distance away.what now
you head to the store when a man comes running by with a book he says"get the hell outta my way". and runs by you.you see the magic store ahead you.what now.