Went to the shop and bought an xbox, ps3, laptop, wireless controller, tv, 9mm pistol, machine gun, pp2000, atomic nuke, rpg, chocolate bar, milk chocolate bar, candy cane, christmas tree, super dooper boomerang, mountain bike, helmet, a goat, a crash test dummy, 22 puppies, a big dog and a midget dog, an ant, a rhino, a lion, an anaconda, a king cobra, a viper, a barrel 50cal, a con artist, a mastermind, a pair of socks, a hat, a hamburger, world's fastest computer, a bottle of wine, a flaming monkey, a wet dog, a python, a football, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, some spiders, a cars magazine, a xbox magazine, a tie, a bowtie, a pair of slippers, a new dressing gown, a scented candle, a rooster named Bob, a dictionary, a zombie named Fury, a crossword, a newspaper, a swan, some water, another piece of paper for my shopping list, a bowl, a bannana, a T-shirt, a baboon, a J2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, a pipboy-3000, the Empire State Building (the real building, not a miniature), an automatic nose-picker, and a fake nose, 4594 slaves, super laser zombie explosion gun, A wig, a 1,000,000 piece puzzle, a computer-hacking program, a smoke bomb, 16 pieces of C-4, a keyboard, a hedge, a door, a television channel, a sofa, a parrot, a mortar, a toucan, a goose, a box of flares, a pie, a pack of coke cans, cigarettes, cocaine, a dozen eggs, 60 lt of milk, a new camera, a virus for your computer and a moustache.