OBJECTION!!!!!! Linux, by itself, is not awesome. It is composed of its' unique OS, accessible kernel, and such. And us such, the word "Linux" is not awesome, but the "OS" linux is.
I seriously think this is the best thread!!
The Knight of the wind sonic soundtrack is the best!!
OBJECTION! I'm not "making the previous statement an objection", I'm "raising an objection to the previous statement" (trust me, it's a whole world different).
Falling off the roof of a 200-storey building is lethal.
OBJECTION! You cannot post predictions in this thread while playing this game, since it's clearly stated in the rules that
1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.
, and predictions are not statements (by the way, could we stop with the actual facts? I mean, who can object, say, to the statement that the Earth has a volume of X (X being the correct number) or that if the sun were to suddenly disappear for unknown reasons, Earth's movements would change or that "animal 1" is not the same as "animal 2" or that the vast majority of humans have twenty nails counting the nails on all of their limbs or that two times five equals ten or... it wouldn't be fun with those claims, either).