Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTION! The length of my man parts are.Grass is green.
Objection! Some grass can also be blue.Armorgames is addicting.
Objection!what about fingerless people who can't type, it is boring for them!if you see a double rainbow, you can sing the double rainbow song.that link should work.
Objectionwhat about people who are colorblind they wouldnt know if its even a rainbowchuck norris is epic
OBJECTION!bossfight engie is FAR better.bossfight engie is a boss.
OBJECTION!we are bound to be hit by some mega powerful destructive thingy before then.bossfight engie is NOT FICTIONAL YOU PINHEADS!
OBJECTION! it is fantasy.chaos control allows me to basically do whatever the hell i want.
OBJECTION! my denied spechial removes any effects i dont want placed on me!people wont accept that bossfight engie is real.
OBJECTION! It sparked the debate on "meow meow."Objections are legal.
OBJECTION! Some people already like him.Ernie15 will pass Google567.
... spartandestroyer, that effect is placed on me, so you're overruled.anyway, OBJECTION! justin bieber will be loved dead by the people of the future.people are insane...
Ernie15 will pass Google567.
OBJECTION!!Lack of substantial evidence to your claim means that its false.Facebook has no apparent purpose
OBJECTIONFacebook is my source for catching helpless mice drawings!Camera's have 48x optical zoom
OBJECTION!That is not a fact, I think.People typically die at the end of their life.
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