Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTIONMany people say they have died inside when they infact haven't died at all!This is game is great for improv skills.
Objection!People die when life ends not at the end of it!Cheese is a popular ingredient in pizza!
OBJECTION!i hate cheese and so does everyone else like me!the guy below me objected to this or got ninjad.
OBJECTION!The world was taken over by kittens years ago in the secret Uprising Wars. Our leaders are just puppets.Toyota has a dealership in Canada.
Objection!Technophobes dont think much of the internetIm the most awesome living bieng in universe!
OBJECTIOn!a caterpillar is a great being than youMovies are fake
Objection!Lots of movies are based on real things!My armatar is cute!
Objectioncuteness is subjectiveLady gaga wears meat outifts
OBJECTION! Lady Gaga wears rich clothes like celebrities.Blind people has special abilities.
OBJECTION!They only have one special ability!At the time of this post, Mass Effect 2 is available for the Xbox 360 in the USA.
OBJECTION!It was available an hour earlier in CST.idontsuckthatmuch doesn't suck that much.
OBJECTIONHe sucks more then that much.....No Offence...Ninjas Are not Ninjas but Flying Pidgeons.....
OBJECTIONRazer says he rules___________________________________________________Everyone loves double and triple rainbows!
OB-FREAKING-JECTIONEverybody loves 4 rainbows not 2 or 3 rainbows in the sky XDAll Stick Figures weigh 45 KG!
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