Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTION! The cake, as is its taste, is true, since I am eating it right now... *nom* *nom* *nom*.Swimming immediately after eating invarialby results into a slow, painful death.
OBJECTION! i do it all the time, and i'm not dead.Shadow kicks Sonic's *** anyday.
OBJECTION Yes you didi like ice cream cake.
OBJECTION! Since this is subjective, you could very easily be lying or saying that without having tasted every single ice cream cake flavour there is.A chewing gum cannot kill you.
OBJECTION it can if its poisoned or you chokea exploding rocket can kill you if it hits you.
[/b]OBJECTION[b]!! not if you've played halo,beCause if you;ve played halo you get a temporary bubble shield JUST FROM PLAYING!!!!i hate justin bieber
OBJECTION! If you are Cole from inFamous, then you will survive itI have Cole's superpowers from inFamous
[/quote] OBJECTION! [quote] your acturly dreaming right nowi like chips
obection!!! you.re are dreaming
I will object to the "i like chips" statement, since it's the last claim:OBJECTION! It is practically impossible for anyone to like all chips, considering there are plastic ones used in most casinos.It is not too late to save Earth.
OBJECTION!!(i agree with you) the damage has already been done,you cannot go back in time.god is real (he is)
OBJECTION!!! There is no evidense of God being real.Poker can kill.
OBJECTION!!! Poker does not kill as it is merely a game. However, some of the players may kill people.Hitler is dead.
OBJECTION!! It is not known if Hitler is dead, because the body found at "his" place of death has benn said that it's NOT him.Ear Wax is used in candles.
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