Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTION! It is the wax of BEES! NOT ears!The tomato is a fruit.
OBJECTION!!! In a parallel universe, tomatoes might be fluffy animals.This website is Armor Games.
OBJECTION! This is http://armorgames.com, not Armor Games.The yellow snow isn't good.
OBJECTION! Your profile says that you are a male.Elvis is dead.
OBJECTION!!! There is no definite conclusive proof of this. It might just be an cover-up by the government to hide the fact that elvis is an alien.Giant purple fuzz-a-bunnies are standing right behind you.
OBJECTION!!! There is no proof of them in existence.Tornadoes can be invisible (it's true)
OBJECTION!!! whatever, maybe it is true, but tornadoes are always purple because of the Fuzz-a-bunnies.The military and the government are actually hiding fuzz-a-bunny corpses in area 51.
OBJECTION! Area 51 has been declared the only location where fuzz-a-bunnies definitely do not exist (it might be mysteriously claimed that they are behind you, in a tornado, but not in area 51).Paper is odourless.
OBJECTION!!! paper smells of fuzz-a-bunnies, because paper is made of fuzz-a-bunny skin.fuzz-a-bunnies have an evil plan to take over the world.
OBJECTION!!! how do we know that fuzz a bunnies are taking over the world, because i have never heard of them!They pump air in footballs.
OBJECTION!!! air is too general. they actually pump in carbon dioxide and other gasses into footballsgeese is plural for goose
OBJECTION! That is only true for the English language.Human eyes are oval-shaped.
OBJECTION!the people on armorgames rock, not the website itself, for without the people, this website would be an empty husk
OBBJECTION! you need to add in something baka.Chaos Control is over powered to use in a game, unless heavily restricted.
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