Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTION!!!!!!it does to! where do you think the eggs come from??...when the adults aren't there.corporation inc. is awesome
OBJECTION!You can't find why Chuck Norris is amazing, he just is.I'm an iron knight.
Do I really have to say objection! to that?No, I don't.So I'll just skip ahead to:Muffins are awesome.
OBJECTION!They're really just ugly cupcakes.Here's a toughie: TPBM is amazing.
OBJECTION!Blue berry ones taste bad, and are not awsomeThe first 3 destroy the planet games, especilly the first 2, were basicly played by everyone in the fourm games of that time!
OBJECTION! As a previous player of DtP(Destroy the Planet), I can be certain that not everybody was playing it.The Portal Gun does not exist in real life.
OBJECTION!(knife sound. loud scream.)my hand now!anyways...everyone gets a dispensor and a sentry. hold out as long as you can against the zombies. zombie horde 1 will arrive in 3. 2. 1... (zombie sounds)
Objection! no one is named me.i am a dragon!
OBJECTION! you don't when you're falling.as to the fingers bit, you ever hear of the magic of oh i don't know, A TAIL?anyway, i am flying because i am free.
OBJECTIONYou cannot fly,zazzaz clipped your wings!
OBJECTION,he can make sense if he wants to!
hey! he didnt post in the correct format!scout is delicious.
... objection idiots tend to do that.OBJECTION! Scout is not deliciousyou can't catch me! *uses chaos control*
Objection! You ran into a jail.Penguins can't fly.
OBJECTION!They can with jetpacks!
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