Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
OBJECTION!! im an alien in disguise
sorry that was an accident.and someone has already said
The next poster has a positive on the cool scale.
OBJECTION! That poster was me (lol) but I edited it minorly so that the last poster who objected it can't use the same technique he did. SO:The next poster has a positive on the cool scale.
OBJECTION! i have a positive on the ammount i'm gonna kill idiots scale, which makes my cool scale negative.if you see tails and sonic, kill tails infront of sonic.
Objection! What you said was an imperative sentence. YOu need to say a declarative one.A mod will post next.
OBJECTION!!! I am a fuzz-a-bunny.Fuzz-a-bunnies have hypnotised barack obama, and plan to use him to destroy the world.
Objection! Fuzz-a-bunnies can't do that, only The Secret Bunny can!!!The next person has an armatar
OBJECTION!!! I have a picture. whilst it may be known as an armatar, it is in fact just a picture.The next person to reply is a fuzz-a-bunny.
OBJECTION!! in a soft-a-bnny (lol)the next person to comment is super super super super super super super super cool
OBJECTION! I'm not super super super super super super super super cool, I'm just cool.Double rainbows cause a feeling of excitement to humans.
OBJECTION! the cause eppaleptic shocks! (lol) no happiness thereobama likes cats
OBJECTION! No such evidence exists.The Cake Is A Lie!
OBJECTION! cake is real,people eat cake all the time!obama's wife likes cats
OBJECTION! A cake does not have the ability to bear false witness.
Crap, sorry. Also, ninja'd.Rubber comes from trees.
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