Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
[b]OBJECTION![quote] there circular if you see them outside you head.i like coffee
OBJECTION! The variaty of coffees is so wide, that it is practically impossible for anyone to like every single one of them, especially considering that the majority of people never get to taste them all.Snakes can be lethal.
OBJECTION!!! The snake itself is not lethal. It is the poison made by the snake that is lethal.Fuzz-a-bunnies are hiding inside your brain.
OBJECTION! Fuzz-A-Bunnies do not play hide and seek in your headD-Day Was Jun 6th 1944
[b][i]OBJECTION D-Day was the day that man discovered the letter d!hobos are deeply troubled by wolverines
OBJECTION!!! hobos are deeply troubled by fuzz-a-bunnies dressed as wolverines.Fuzz-a-bunnies secretly control the government.
OBJECTION! The government is actually secretly headed by hypnotoad.Camels are a kind of mollusk.
OBJECTION!!! camels are a kind of fuzz-a-bunny.whoever replies to this is secretly a fuzz-a-bunny with an evil plan to take over the world. they must be stopped.
OBJECTION! I am actually a warlock hiding in Ontario, Canada.Whoever replies has killed a fuzz-a-bunny.
OBJECTION! You can't kill something that is not existing and you did not make a statement!Mt. Everest is taller then Marinas Trench is deep.
OBJECTION! Mt. Everest is a mountain so it's tall.Your a human being
Objection! I'm not a human, I'm a Mongolian Death Worm.Nikola Tesla discovered electricity.
OBJECTION! we all know it was the mountians that discovered electricity (random)Awesome Face is Awesome!
OBJECTION! A double positive forms a negative, so awesome face is clearly not awesome.Thomas Edison is a Templar
OBJECTION!! im an alien in disguiseyour smart
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