I kill you, cut you open, and reassemble the cookie from the half-digested mush in your stomach, before putting the cookie on a spaceship, launching the spaceship, enabling the spaceships cloaking shields, and teleporting the spaceship to a random point in space and time, which no-one knows.
I then constantly set my space ship to go around to random areas of space and time, until I reach your ship and see it, before blowing it up and orbiting the remains of the cookie. I then launch a small shuttle to recover the cookie and reassemble it.
umm...this game MIGHT be getting a little out of hand, lol. how about a rule NOT eating the cookie? cause i dont agree with EVERYBODY killing each other, getting the cookie mush out of there stomach, reasembling it, then doign somethign with it...ugh...
I reverse time, getting the cookie in my hand. Then i put it in a super secret safe, that only I can open. And I kill myself by fire so the thumbprint activation wont work if someone uses my body
The japanese earthquake knocks the cookie out of his hand, and I catch it and hide it inside a nuclear warhead which will go off if anyone or anything so much as breathes within a 5 mile radius of it.
I hold my breath and disassemble the warhead taking the cookie to a Naval Base and shoot it out of a Battleship where it flys in who knows what direction for 25 miles
I as leader of libopolis send the best search crews in search of the cookie untill it is returned to me when i put it in a pressurized box and sinkn it to the deepest point in the ocean