This game is pointless, it has no story, but it's quite fun and you need luck, not skills to play it. I will roll a dice for all your actions, here's an example.
You come up to a fence (then I roll the dice)
If it's 1 - You slipped and and broke your neck (DEAD) If it's 2 - You failed to jump over the fence and sustanied injuries (-HEALTH) If it's 3 - You jumped over the fence, with an injury. (-HEALTH, you passed) If it's 4 - You jumped over the fence normally. (Nothing, you pass through) If it's 5 - You jumped over the fence fast and successful and had time to eat a cookie (+HEALTH) If it's 6 - You backflipped over the fence and had time to eat a cookie and earned some money for the Backflip(+HEALTH)(+MONEY)
-You can die if you get a 1 (read above) and you can just start over with a different name and starting stats. -Money is used to buy Cookie that gives you Health (5 Money = 1 Health) -The (-HEALTH) thing is -1 Health. Same for (+HEALTH). -The (+MONEY) thing is 5 Money.
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 5/5 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 0 Times Succeded: 0 Times Failed: 0
Sounds quite interesting. But, could it have a bit more stuff? Just one dice deciding my fate sounds bad... how about a second one or a rotation of the results of each number?
Sounds quite interesting. But, could it have a bit more stuff? Just one dice deciding my fate sounds bad... how about a second one or a rotation of the results of each number?
Sorry, can't add more stuff because I can't host two complicated RPGS. I have hard time hosting even one BIG Complicated RPG (you know which).
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 6 Money: 10 Obstacles Tried: 2 Times Succeded: 2 Times Failed: 0
Woo hoo! 6! The guy didn't had the nuts to shoot you, you took his cookie and some of his money. (+HEALTH)(+MONEY)
Now you take a walk around the park, and you see some wooden bench with old people sitting, relaxing on it. Maybe you can jump it, but do you have the nuts for it?
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 5 Money: 10 Obstacles Tried: 3 Times Succeded: 2 Times Failed: 1
You got a 2. You run to jump the fence but you bump into some very fat granny and don't pass the bench. (-HEALTH)(Your health is back to 5). You may try the bench again, but behind you, you see a low fountain. Which one to you choose?
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 5 Money: 10 Obstacles Tried: 3 Times Succeded: 2 Times Failed: 1
I choose to pay 5 Money for 1 Health (btw, should we make these changes as well, or do we have to wait for you to apply them?), and then go for the fountain (oh, and the difficulty of an obstacle does not affect the dice, right?).
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 7 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 4 Times Succeded: 3 Times Failed: 1
You run towards the Fountain lucky boy, you get a 5. You jump over the fountain successfully and you find cookie under the fountain. You eat was there few months but...whatever, it's a cookie. (+HEALTH)
Your skills start to increase, you gain more agility, more jumping height and everything. This is an important step of your life. Just one little decision will change your destiny. Try Wallrun (walling Specialty) or try to jump the High Fence (jumping Specialty)