This game is pointless, it has no story, but it's quite fun and you need luck, not skills to play it. I will roll a dice for all your actions, here's an example.
You come up to a fence (then I roll the dice)
If it's 1 - You slipped and and broke your neck (DEAD) If it's 2 - You failed to jump over the fence and sustanied injuries (-HEALTH) If it's 3 - You jumped over the fence, with an injury. (-HEALTH, you passed) If it's 4 - You jumped over the fence normally. (Nothing, you pass through) If it's 5 - You jumped over the fence fast and successful and had time to eat a cookie (+HEALTH) If it's 6 - You backflipped over the fence and had time to eat a cookie and earned some money for the Backflip(+HEALTH)(+MONEY)
-You can die if you get a 1 (read above) and you can just start over with a different name and starting stats. -Money is used to buy Cookie that gives you Health (5 Money = 1 Health) -The (-HEALTH) thing is -1 Health. Same for (+HEALTH). -The (+MONEY) thing is 5 Money.
Nickname: SnapShot Age: 14 Health: 4 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 1 Times Succeded: 0 Times Failed: 1
It's a 2. You try to jump the Spike Fence, but you don't succeed. At least you saved your life. So now you just lose 1 Health. You can try again or you can jump that Car over there...
Nickname: Vixen Age: 20 Health: 6 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 4 Times Succeded: 3 Times Failed: 1
It's a 3. You try to climb on the High Wall with your Wallrun skills and you succeed, but after the climb, you fall on the other side (-HEALTH). At least you go on the other side. Now you see another High Wall, and a Low, but 91 degrees angle wall, like this " \\ ". Which one do you try?
Nickname: The Pro Age: 15 Health: 5 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 0 Times Succeded: 0 Times Failed: 0
You think you can start a new life as a Freerunner. You go outside and you think you can climb at the top of your house, or the top of your angry neighbour's house. Which one?
Nickname: EpicRandomness Age: 21 Health: 5 Money: 5 Obstacles Tried: 0 Times Succeed: 0 Times Failed: 0
You think you can start a new life as a Parkour Guy. You go out and a guy aims at you with a Bazooka. You can run away, but where you will run away, another guy with a Baseball Bat will wait there to kill you. Which one do you try?