Actually it stems from an evolutionary benefit as a social animal.
There are more social animals than humans, say hyenas. Do they have free will?
Can you give an example, because I can't think of any time that we've done this.
Say, we can make a self-sacrifice, despite the self-preservation instinct any animal has.
Also given the first test to it was almost 1000 years later makes me think the story of the monk in 700s is made up.
These stories are written in chronicles, and if they are revised at least once but retained the core, they are true. So you have to get arguments more valid than a personal opinion to support this claim.
All sin is equal? Those who don't blindly follow wither and die?
Why, no. By the time Jesus spoke the word "sin" He used meant only what is now named "mortal sin", for which the punishment is Hell or "outer darkness, there men will weep and gnash their teeth" , if the person did not repent his wrongdoings. A mortal sin consists of intent, knowing that the deed is a sin (which means this action goes contrary to God's Ten Commandments) and the sinful action that's free enough to be a personal choice. Most of the times the intent is lacking or the choice is not so free, if so, the sin stops being mortal and won't lead to eternal punishment, but it still requires repentance to avoid temporary punishment (the Purgatory).
Wouldn't it make more sense that those who do good things and help others go to heaven, those who try but fail get something less special, and only sadistic freaks go to hell? Wouldn't THAT be just?
It would make sense for humans, God has some other merits to judge a particular person at the point of his death. I have heard of a story, that there was a monk who failed to bring himself to repent and confess a mortal sin, but did everything else, and looked holy to his neighbors. He passed out somewhat soon after entering monastery (half a year maybe, can't recall the exact time), and his neighbors started thinking the kid is in Heaven and started asking him for intercession, as believers normally ask saints. But one of them was granted a vision of their "saint" wrapped with fiery rope and saying "Don't ask me for intercession, because I am in Hell. I have not confessed a mortal sin, and I am now suffering for this." So, that kid probably helped others and much more, but kept to some evil in his heart, not allowing God to access it through confession, and left with it at the time of his judgement. The opposite can happen in fact, but each case is resolved separately, and most of the time we never know how it was resolved.
There is a God, it's from Him that all our consciences stem.
Yep, and since you believe that there is a God, you might also believe that you, and every other human, has a soul. I'd like to talk with you personally somewhere, but I don't think I will be able to reach Canada, or you reach me here. I have found out that writing over Internet does not transfer emotions of the one who writes, even if he uses some assuring words, enough for the addressee to acknowledge them correctly.
Atheism just means you want logic which god ill accept
This position makes you the ultimate judge, and is wrong because of God existing.