ACCORDING TO DANTE? Oh dear. Dante is a prophet too now?
Dante is no prophet, he is a representative of Catholic faith of 1300. Therefore a believer can rely on his "Comedy" to base on what was believed back there. And this is not to be assumed as cast-iron truth, IIRC there was also a teaching that states Limbo being neither Heaven nor Purgatory nor Hell, while Dante placed Limbo as first circle of Hell. This means: SO WHAT?
do you take what Dante wrote as directive in christian matters
A representative, not a directive. Note also that I have cited the known common teaching prior to that document.
No I'm simply following the logical conclusion of the qualities stated for God.
Tell me who invented logic, and I'll tell you if you're the ultimate judge.
No, I'm just tired of seeing them being used as if it represented factual evidence rather then something that may or may not have even happen in the way described or if at all.
This is personal factual evidence, therefore can be believed or not. I know you don't believe in this, but again this wasn't aimed at you.
I find such a view purely closed minded.
Mind disproving this with facts? No?
As an animal capable of decision making their is no reason to think they wouldn't.
This means no proof. Since there's no proof, I can still state they don't have free will. This, in order, means that your claim of "Actually it stems from an evolutionary benefit as a social animal." is unsupported, at least unverified.
However, if you like I can give plenty of examples of other animals demonstrating free will.
I'd like you to give me examples where an animal goes contrary with its instincts, as we humans are capable to do that. And that animal should not be influenced with anything that interferes with neural activity, since right now humans can make rats go against fear by suppressing certain brain centers and/or neurohormones.
Also your attempt to intentionally misuse reasonable doubt is quite apparent.
I'm using your own logic. You ask me to prove that God exists, and simultaneously state that "God does not exist" does not require proof. Here, I'm stating that you need to prove "Other social animals have free will and can go contrary to instincts", and stating the opposite (that they don't have free will or can't go contrary to instincts), and that this statement does not require proof.
Well, by this I mean that we have free will. I feel like my will is free. Do you feel like yours is bound? I guess that's all the evidence I can offer
MGW never accepts personal evidence as base for logical conclusions. Sorry pal.
That's what the Catholic church says. But I read in the New Testament where Jesus pretty-much flat-out says that those who do not believe in him will suffer forever. That doesn't seem right, to me.
So far I have seen that His words are different: "For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." Jn 6:40, and more. He did only say Hell about evildoers. If you have objections, I'd like you cite or link a verse that you object. The Gospel is pretty big to do a search on the fly.
And sorry but I find it perfectly that your story is just that--a story.
Well, it's a story with a moral, based on some monks' vision. I wonder what would you say about Gloria Polo's testimony (please read page 82 of this topic for links), this one is firsthand.
If you use the argument of animals not having a soul so that we can slaughter and have dominion over them, then it's you who has to prove they're soulless.
I don't need proving this, I am given commandment over animals by God
And please read above for the logic I have used to ground this statement. If you're stating otherwise, this will mean either that I don't need to prove this, or that I don't need to prove God existing, which will in turn imply this to be proven by God's words.
This parallels my abortion beliefs: those who want abortions legal need to prove that the baby shows no signs of consciousness before the act is committed.
Speaking about abortions, I base their inacceptability on the fact that a baby is a human, regardless of its age after conception. I have seen E1337 object about that state can't interfere with abortion, and
NOW I have a support. Could you provide some evidence, please? It also depends on what you mean by happiness and sadness; euphoria and depression are probably id feelings, while joy or sorrow would be ethereal.
They failed last time, stating that a possibility of such a describe is enough to prove their position.
It is no more killing it than you killing a potential embryo by choosing not to have sex at any moment when you could.
Plain wrong. You already have a living human in case of abortion, and you have only a possibility to conceive in the other case. In case of induced permanent infertility, this might be considered as killing the possibility of that person to have children (normally) while choosing not to have sex with a woman might not even alter the case since that woman could be temporarily infertile due to periodical changes in her body.
a sufficiently developed brain to overcome instincts.
What degree of "sufficient" is enough? I can claim that your brain is not sufficiently developed to overcome instincts, implicitly depriving you of sanity. And you will never prove otherwise, since all your proof will be discarded because of you being "technically insane". Period. Your logic allows this.
A consciousness IS a network of neurons recording and transmitting data.
Prove this. I have requested this once already, IIRC of you personally HahiHa, and you failed.