ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
128 posts

And what i am saying is if you believe none of the, are real

3,085 posts

People have a choice, yes, but they're far more likely to believe in a religion if their parents present it to them as being fact while they're still very young. It's like your parents telling you not to open a specific door because there are monsters behind it - if you're told this from when you're born and throughout growing up then you're likely to believe it up until someone else comes along and opens the door. If you're told, however, that there are monsters behind that door and you're already grown up and able to make your own decisions then you're much more likely to go and have a look anyway - then you'll see that there are no monsters.

3,085 posts

And what i am saying is if you believe none of the, are real

As I said before - that doesn't make atheism a religion because it would be the same as saying that not collecting stamps is a hobby.

Anyway, you're practically an atheist, I just believe in one less god than you do.
955 posts

you know Avorne, if he's practically an atheist, then you're practically nowhere, you are just in one more place than nowhere. Therefore we can practically ignore you. Continue?

3,085 posts

The same applies to you then, friend, and you are also practically nowhere. I shall choose to ignore you and continue, yes, thanks for asking.

196 posts

Let x = 1

Take derivative with respect to x:

(d/d*x)*x = (d/d*x)*1

Derivative of x is 1
Derivative of x is 0

Is that your logic?

9,462 posts

Being pages behind of things that likely need covering, I'm going to have to skip around a bit.

Baby! That monkey isn't close enough to the human! When that monkey "evolved" it changed all those traits with one smooth shot? I don't think so!

Try educating your self a bit, You can start with the links provided or even just how it was previously pointed out to you how that's not how evolution works.

Given an infinite amount of time, they will. Are you saying there is a deity? What do you believe then, if not a form of atheism?

Where did you get that I was saying there was a deity out of that? I said if you took three people with three different religious views you would still have three different religious views. Religion has a proven track record of being divergent.

Not that science! How will knowing that we evolved from primates ever produce anything useful? So far we haven't been able to produce lab-related evolution results. So if we can't use what you know, whats the point of knowing it!

Just for the same reason history can be useful to learn. Evolution allows us a glimpse at our genetic history. This can be used in the medical field in the development of medicine and vaccines. It's been useful in improving agriculture. Given my first example was the advancement of medical treatments that makes evolution, "That science!"
For one of our simplest examples of evolution is drug resistant bacteria. We have also also replicated the evolutionary traits of the nylonase in a lab, so yes we have lab-related evolution results.

Jesus Christ is proof enough.

Evidence of a historical Jesus doesn't prove the magical aspects of the story. Looking through your post your not even using evidence for that much but rather just quoting the Bible. So you haven't proven anything.

And it isn't blocking science at all.

Yeah, given your denial of such theories and what we have seen from others on this thread alone suggest otherwise.

okay getting tired now...

God doesn't punish the mentally ill.

Denial of evidence, this has been pointed out in the past, pretty sure you were around for it....

But if you have no respect for Christians, why capitalize "God", atheist? Shouldn't you not have any respect?

It helps to distinguish when talking about the Abrahamic God.

Not really. They still have their choice to be Gay.

Mean like you choose to be straight?

No one is born an Atheist, dummy. You are born neutral.

If you don't believe in a deity when you are born your an atheist. The reason why is meaningless.

Yeah I'm not going to read all of that. I don't need to understand the work of men.

And this is where you fail the hardest.

@shift4101^Amen Brother.

More praise of ignorance from religion...

And also, I know all of you can feel God tugging at your heart.

Nope, and I've openly stated many times what it would take for me to believe he exists.

atheists are people simply against religions.

Atheist is without belief in a deity. Whether they are also against religion or not is irrelevant.

There is no need to feel like you will lose something if you convert.

I would have to lose my ability to reason.

Instead of considering your simply ignoring the truth.

Considering this thread is full of science denialists as a result of religion maybe you should take that statement to the hypocrite thread.
196 posts

You seem to be under the impression that you, or anyone on Earth, have an ability to reason, to uncover truths unseen. Alright, I know there are questions that atheists can't answer, and here is one of them, hopefully to make you think and doubt what you believe.

Evolution of our species started in a primordial ooze. That ooze started as other material, that turned into water when the planet reached the perfect distance from it's star. That planet is made by the remnants from the creation of that star. That star was created a cloud of gas. That gas was pulled together over a vast amount of time into a galaxy. That galaxy belongs in the Universe, and probably hasn't existed forever. You rewind far enough, your will reach the "big bang". The big bang was the result a insanely hot singularity suddenly exploding and pushing out everything there is in the current universe. And that is the end of all atheist argument. So simply can I ask where the singularity came from, and you are unable to answer me in a scientific way. For then I can just ask where that came from, and then where that came from, and then where that came from, forever and ever. You might speak as if you are a sudden beacon of light, but no one here should believe what you say.

Perhaps you have your own answer to deter this question, but the question still remains. And since it is unanswerable, what then do you make of everything you have reasoned out? Is there not a hole in your reason now? Then how can you base your entire belief on something with a hole in it? Are you going to wait your entire life to see if an answer will come? Are you really going to risk an eternal life on progress?

Why must you grasp so tightly to your reason? Men will have it always until God reclaims the Earth. It will always be around, and if you become unsettled by anything that the bible teaches, it will always be there to comfort you. But use your reason now. It is time to listening to what heartless scientists have to say. And they are heartless or senseless, and cannot be neither. What they are teaching dooms and will doom millions to hell.

You won't just lose your reason if you convert, but all that time you put into listening to atheistic literature. You must feel as if you will be rewarded someday for working so hard. But listen to me when I tell you the time you invested does not matter. It is nothing in compared to eternity, and does not come with all the stress. You have taken so much time to reassure yourself you are correct, I believe you have stopped listening to both sides.

You and I are competing against eachother in a dart match. You are trying your best to hit the bullseye, and I am simply throwing it at the wall. The only difference is I believe I am hitting the bullseye wherever I throw, as long as I hold the right darts, while your darts require worldly materials to make. In no way are they blessed, but you seem to grip them tightly.

I believe something about hitting the bullseye every time scares you, and you cannot accept that it can be true. I believe you are a real person, not just an information bank, and have all the troubles and issues as the next person. I am just telling you there is a way out of one of your worries and will always be open. Like a two way door in a cheap motel, you just need to unlock your side and Jesus will enter. He will not look down on you for spreading the works of man, but he will hug you and he will love you as a brother, and God will love you as a son. You just need to sit and let him in.

955 posts

tl;dr version of shift4101's post seems to be: where does the Big Bang come from? They did advance one cause further by saying "start of time made it happen", though the question is still there, so the atheist's explanation of the material world is imperfect and will never be perfect. Well, right.

And, Avorne... I am &quotractically nowhere" but I am also with God who is everywhere, so I am practically everywhere, if it complies with God's will. So, do YOU want to be practically everywhere?

Considering this thread is full of science denialists as a result of religion maybe you should take that statement to the hypocrite thread.
So, let's start this over again? Another 120 pages of science over science?
5,129 posts

atheists are people simply against religions

atheists do not have by defenition something against religions.
atheists are just not believing any of the religions fairytales.
196 posts

Cogito ergo sum. And where did I come from? God created me. The thoughts of men shall not deter me. I am blessed to share love.

I will never believe in evolution. It is different from the bible in so many ways, and yet exactly the same. Both are written by Man, only one is inspired by what man is made. And placed trust in men is the worst mistake any man can make. Which is what MageGrayWolf has done. He has submerged himself in the literature, and will probably die even more submerged. There is little hope he can throw away what men have taught him, and imbrace what God teaches. God teaches truth, love, and life for humanity. It also teaches about human nature, and approaches every issue that has and will ever come about in the time of Man. Perhaps he will not listen to what I have to say, but maybe a silent onlooker will, and be more endowed with truth than the truth MageGrayWolf has to offer.

By the way, to whoever reads this, I'm Jesse. I am 16 years old and about to be a Junior in High School. I run competitively. I am a real person. It is nice to meet you.

5,129 posts

will never believe in evolution. It is different from the bible in so many ways,

another 1 that sticks his fingers in his ears and go's LALALA.
the problem whit christians is that they are not willing to listen or actualy THINK ABOUT IT.

you say your 16 year. wtf do you know about all the evidence of evolution? probably compleetly nothing because you are not even willing to listen to it in the 1st place.
196 posts

you say your 16 year. wtf do you know about all the evidence of evolution? probably compleetly nothing because you are not even willing to listen to it in the 1st place.

Nice too meet you too. I apologize, I haven't read this entire 200 page thread, so I'm not sure what you have said. But the internet does seem to dehumanize people, and I thought introducing myself would help that out a little. I knew someone would try and demoralize me because of my age, but I did it anyways, because it was what it took. I didn't read what you wrote, except for your other post on thi page. But I know it doesn't matter. The materials you offer will prove of little use to me, regardless what I end up believing.

Why do your words seem to hold anger? Did I upset you? Is it because I won't listen to what material evidence you offer? You won't listen to the evidence I have to offer. Is it because your evidence is based off the works of man? My religion is based on the works of God. Is it easy for you to say I am wrong? It is easy for me to say you are wrong.

Look the point is is that beyond whatever proof you might hold, lies the love of Jesus. It's just a matter of how opaque the sheet of evidence is that covers him up.
5,129 posts

ive readed the entire bible. so i did listen to what your god has to tell. (i also have readed the quran and the Miqra (jewish holy book)
so i did open my mind for religions talk. and nothing that ive readed in those 3 books was any proof for me that a god does excist.

you say you got evidence that god is real. i whold like to hear that proof of yours because i didn't hear any proof for 35 years.

I didn't read what you wrote, except for your other post on thi page. But I know it doesn't matter.

so your still sitting there whit your fingers in your ears going LALALA. your 16 you should be open-minded about the world. instead has some1 (probably your parents) brainwashed you whit the bible. and made you ignorand for change of ideas.
196 posts

No, with what little effort you put into that post I'm not even going to bother respond what is to me an obvious set of lies. I will and have read everything on the pages in which I have posted. Just because your posts seem to have fallen behind the 188th page doesn't mean I am not listening, they are just out of my range. (Due to laziness).

My mom is a work-aholic who lost her faith in Mormon teachings, and my dad is an old and crippled. Up until recently I believed in what evolutionists said was true. I also believed in the bible. I didn't know that they contradicted eachother. I like the idea of evolution. It makes sense, and is interesting. It just is wrong. I chose God over evolution. I chose God over the big bang. I chose him over the world. I'm not poor and I don't live in a slum. I live in a fairly luxurious house with 2 of my brothers and parents, and we are about to move into a better one. I have 2 dogs. I'm a real person, and have seen the evidence. And none of it was worth doubting God for. Nothing there wanted to make me lose my eternal life, nothing that wanted me to believe that we are all incapable of denying our nature, and nothing that made me stop loving the men and women of the world.

All you are doing is insulting me. Poorly. Please, stop and listen. Read what I have wrote. What I say is true. It is the only thing that is true. Nothing matters. Nothing you say here matters. What matters is what you believe in the moments before you die, where you are sent to when you die. All you have to do to live the rest of your life on Earth in love, and then eternity in heaven, is believe in God.

Showing 1951-1965 of 4668