Alright, I know there are questions that atheists can't answer, and here is one of them, hopefully to make you think and doubt what you believe.
The only similiarities between Atheists is that they lack belief in religion, or else they're agnostic. There are other branches like Pantheism but they all follow that principle, and therefore doubting my belief means very little when all you do is ask a question I can't answer, then say "God did it"
but no one here should believe what you say.
The SAME rule for "from, from, from?" applies to God, the self-creation or "he was always there" is the same with the Big Bang. The only difference is that there is evidence / proof backing up scientific belief, whereas blind faith and indoctrination is what makes religion so powerful.
Are you really going to risk an eternal life on progress?
Bar everything else in that paragraph, this one is the worst. That, sir, is cowardice, and I pity your integrity if you actually follow religion for that.
Why must you grasp so tightly to your reason? Men will have it always until God reclaims the Earth. It will always be around, and if you become unsettled by anything that the bible teaches, it will always be there to comfort you. But use your reason now. It is time to listening to what heartless scientists have to say. And they are heartless or senseless, and cannot be neither. What they are teaching dooms and will doom millions to hell.
.... Wow.
One sec.
Why must you grasp so tightly to your reason?
It's reasonable, what kind of question is that?
Men will have it always until God reclaims the Earth.
Not only is that unreliable as our reason goes against Gods existance but... well hey - that's taking away our free will and thus goes against Gods word. I don't even want a reply on that part of the debate because it's probably hypothetical.
It will always be around, and if you become unsettled by anything that the bible teaches, it will always be there to comfort you.
Let a rapist comfort you.
Same philosophy.
Do I even need to explain HOW it's the same philosophy? It's blatantly obvious.
But use your reason now. It is time to listening to what heartless scientists have to say
I could call you heartless for not caring about your integrity and giving your free will for something that is most likely a myth. What a weak willed and astonishingly arrogant fool for asking others to do the same.
Do scientists? Maybe, not all of them and I'd say it's the minority, most of the time they give you the information, not a recommendation, not an opinion.
And they are heartless or senseless, and cannot be neither. What they are teaching dooms and will doom millions to hell.
To you. Your just throwing unnecessary insults without ACTUALLY backing up your debates - instead of insulting our side why don't you give yours a solid foundation? That's scientific's side, we have a lot more going for us than you guys do.
You won't just lose your reason if you convert, but all that time you put into listening to atheistic literature.
How much time have you been looking at biblical literature?
You must feel as if you will be rewarded someday for working so hard. But listen to me when I tell you the time you invested does not matter.
Screw my manners, **** you dude.
How about, before you go telling us what matters and not you go look at yourself, because thus far you've been what I've told you've shown previously, you're fighting with mud and you're a dirty ****ing liar.
It is nothing in compared to eternity, and does not come with all the stress
Your cowardice is disgusting, it's that simple. Do you enjoy living your life in fear? Or have you coated your fears with beliefs that the Bible and the Lord will save you ?
Do you even ENJOY life? It sounds like you can't wait to get out of it.
You have taken so much time to reassure yourself you are correct, I believe you have stopped listening to both sides.
Look at how badly you have drawn perspective on my side, and then you say that WE stopped listening? I've listened to BS like this more than once before, why would you think that I would still find it even ENTERTAINING?!
The only difference is I believe I am hitting the bullseye wherever I throw, as long as I hold the right darts, while your darts require worldly materials to make. In no way are they blessed, but you seem to grip them tightly.
What "worldly materials"?
The reason you throw them at the wall is because you trust that a referee will come along and take you to a strip club even if the other has hit bullseyes 6 times in a row and you've just dropped the dart.
Also, they actually are blessed considering that to a reasonable person they are pretty much UNDENIABLE.
I believe you are a real person, not just an information bank, and have all the troubles and issues as the next person. I am just telling you there is a way out of one of your worries and will always be open.
Because we're incapable of solving for it ourselves... of course.
Like a two way door in a cheap motel, you just need to unlock your side and Jesus will enter. He will not look down on you for spreading the works of man, but he will hug you and he will love you as a brother, and God will love you as a son. You just need to sit and let him in.
If a stranger walked to your doorstep and asked to come in without any reason, would you actually let him in?
Because you're a fool if you would.
atheists do not have by defenition something against religions.
atheists are just not believing any of the religions fairytales.
The way I construed your second sentence (fairytales) I assume you follow the first one.
And where did I come from? God created me. The thoughts of men shall not deter me. I am blessed to share love.
Prove that God made you, then prove where God came from.
Oh wait, you can't.
The thoughts of men do deter you on a daily basis, hell, I doubt you're even aware of how your brain twists your opinions on every turn.
Also, I love Starcraft II, and I am not blessed - a dumb point to make.
I will never believe in evolution.
You could have saved me the time of writing all this by mentioning that at the start.
It is different from the bible in so many ways, and yet exactly the same.
The principles behind it are way way different. The Big Bang is a viable explanation with no real reason (that we know of) whereas God is a method of comfort and has no viable explanation.
Both are written by Man, only one is inspired by what man is made.
State that as fact MORE please.
Prove it - because thus far it's a loop of creation that does not make sense.
And placed trust in men is the worst mistake any man can make.
Indeed, look how stupid and unreasonable they can look.
Perhaps you should back that up, because what you jsut said is utterly rediculous and actually ironically goes against our nature, which also means congratulations at countering an argument with an invalid one.
Which is what MageGrayWolf has done. He has submerged himself in the literature, and will probably die even more submerged.
How passionate, closed-minded and arrogant do you have to be to not see the same happening to you? Passion = good. Close-minded = 100% bad.
Arrogant = Requires moderation - something you haven't applied considering your insane amount of hypocricy.
You are completely and utterly submerged in biblical teachings and attempt to use it as an argument which is so rediculously backwards to any logical person.
There is little hope he can throw away what men have taught him, and imbrace what God teaches.
The same applies to you. Before you ridicule our debates with insults and assumptions, why don't you take a look at both sides first ? I have, I done it when I was much younger because I looked at it from a logical standpoint - something inexplicable that requires belief, or something explainable that can be made eventually clear? I'd rather go for the religious thing when I see proof because really an effort towards finding something better would beat an unreasonable and blind faith any day.
God teaches truth, love, and life for humanity.
Says the Crusades.
Oh, and to make that a solid point:
Indeed, there are arguments that Christians do not follow that idealogy, but what about if God didn't follow previous Christians' idealogy? If he didn't, he didn't do anything to stop people being murdered in the name of him, he didn't bother aiding those resisting Christianity with undeniable proof. If you follow Christianity, then sorry, but you are siding with Gods contradictory and pretty merciless behaviour (or lack of behaviour).
also teaches about human nature, and approaches every issue that has and will ever come about in the time of Man
What human nature? The unexplained parts of people using stupidity to their advantage? Same happened with the Crusades and quite frankly probably has happened to you on numerous occasions. Those who follow with caution and logic will do much better than blind faith and a trust of protection via probably mythological deity.
Perhaps he will not listen to what I have to say, but maybe a silent onlooker will, and be more endowed with truth than the truth MageGrayWolf has to offer.
How exactly is it not truth? The only thing going against it is the obvious unbacked "teachings" you have to offer which in turn are not backed up anyway.
They're not even truth, they're just something we trust because it has logic / evidence / proof, and until something with a better foundation comes along it should remain that way.
By the way, to whoever reads this, I'm Jesse. I am 16 years old and about to be a Junior in High School. I run competitively. I am a real person. It is nice to meet you.
Do I actually care? Sorry, but no, learning about your life effects me in no way and I don't feel anything for your age / school or the fact that you're a real person, because quite frankly that's like you learning about Charles Darwin.
The only difference is you are so much less significant.
But the internet does seem to dehumanize people, and I thought introducing myself would help that out a little.
With your pathetic views on the meaning of life etc I can only imagine you being this immensely indoctrinated drone.
At least I'm being honest. What else would it be? I can come up with a few things but most are unnecessarily unreasonable.
I knew someone would try and demoralize me because of my age, but I did it anyways, because it was what it took.
I'm 14, and your views seem childish to me - it's like believing in Santa because you was told he was real.
Hell, how ironic - you say you distrust the teachings of man and yet that is exactly what religion is. Why trust the guy who gave the message of God if you don't trust ANY teachings? Why would you TRUST A MAN? I mean like GAWD JEEZ seriously?
No... really, that's a very hypocritical point.
Why do your words seem to hold anger? Did I upset you? Is it because I won't listen to what material evidence you offer? You won't listen to the evidence I have to offer.
Don't even go there.
Is it because your evidence is based off the works of man? My religion is based on the works of God. Is it easy for you to say I am wrong? It is easy for me to say you are wrong.
Because you don't listen, you say "God says this", and we say "How do you know God is real" and you say "Faith?"
We say "This happened", you say "How though?" we say "Because X is Y and Z had to" or w/e and you say "But why" and we say "We don't know", then you're like "AHA! I caught you out!"
There is no reason for being unless you would like to be Gods slave - I would rather make my own reason for being, which thus far has been trying to convince those probably mislead into looking at a much more self-sufficient standpoint.
Look the point is is that beyond whatever proof you might hold, lies the love of Jesus. It's just a matter of how opaque the sheet of evidence is that covers him up.
No. It's that you make a huge effort in actually seeing this that you fail to see the principle behind most reasons. There is no proof or evidence truthfully suggesting the reality that God is real and your failed logic in USING biblical scripture to prove your point that it is correct (as well as insults to us to make us look bad) is terrible, to say the least.
No, with what little effort you put into that post I'm not even going to bother respond what is to me an obvious set of lies.
WOW.... Are you that ****ed up ?!
It doesn't take effort because your arguments have no ground - perhaps me pointing that out over and over again goes to show that, lack of effort is like you not putting in the effort to be open minded, except partydevil's "lack" was because it wasn't necessary.
I like the idea of evolution. It makes sense, and is interesting. It just is wrong.
Not only are those contradictory but .... It just is wrong? Did you REALLY just say that?
This is a hopeless debate.
I'm a real person, and have seen the evidence. And none of it was worth doubting God for.
You are a coward, that's all I need to say.
Nothing there wanted to make me lose my eternal life, nothing that wanted me to believe that we are all incapable of denying our nature, and nothing that made me stop loving the men and women of the world.
First line? Yep, cowardice. The last line? I thought you didn't trust in them.
All you are doing is insulting me. Poorly.
So not only are you a hypocrite but you're being a sly *******. Are you YET AGAIN trying to twist our words? Are you YET AGAIN trying to make us look evil?
Read what I have wrote. What I say is true. It is the only thing that is true.
Prove it you dolt - that's the only darn reasoning we need, is some PROOF.
Nothing matters. Nothing you say here matters. What matters is what you believe in the moments before you die, where you are sent to when you die
So instead of sticking your head in the sand you should live as an individual, not a religious drone, and you should live with a purpose other than serving this hateful egomaniac who will punish you for not loving his unreasonable and unproven ways.
All you have to do to live the rest of your life on Earth in love, and then eternity in heaven, is believe in God.
Prove it.
- H