ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
3,139 posts

To Jefferysinspiration, you just claimed to believe in what science offers you. And also chose to believe in portions of the Bible. Is that not like the metaphor I used earlier? Putting your money on both tables so neither side can ridicule you?

No, i believe science plays a role in this world, and that you cannot deny, as experiments show you science is a real thing. How does me knowing science is in the world blasphemous? I believe God created the world but science is obviously here.
9,462 posts

Not the video i'm talking about, it didn't happen in the Vatican, it happened in Asia believe, but when i first posted the comment about it i said my Dad knows it & i'm going to see him in Indonesia on thursday so i'll try get the name there :]. I watched it about 5 years ago mind.

That was the only one I could find fitting your description, judging by the first time it happened it does look like she is in Asian. Anyway if it's not would like to hear which one it is.

I have admitted the whole way through that all religion has is blind faith and the faith system is flawed, but it's one we accept.

Why do you accept it? You clearly won't accept a claim of science with far more supporting it. The more you rely on unfounded premises such as faith and disregard evidence the more likely your beliefs are going to be false and/or unjustified.

I've also stated that i don't mind people thinking we're naive for that as it's a personal choice that doesn't affect you in the slightest.

People acting on faith alone has effected us. If it hadn't effect us we would likely not give a ****.

And i've also stated that if science proves to be right i'll be the first to admit i was wrong.

Considering I've pointed this out to you a number of times how fallacious the request with you even replying to it, it's getting a little old seeing you to continue to use it.
Science is evidence based, so the claims are already better supported than anything you get from faith. Yet your willing to disregard that in favor of faith until science reaches an unobtainable goal.
128 posts

There is no solid answer to prove either side. That is why God gives us a choice whether to believe or not. Your lucky your able to sit around all day and infiltrate a Christian thread like a pre-mature fa*.

3,139 posts

Why do you accept it?

I'm not pretending to have some inspiring, amazing answer.
I accept it because it's what i was taught, what i was brought up with.
I rebelled from it for the majority of my life, and after certain bad things happened in my life, religion saved me i guess.
Not an emotion plea - you asked: i told.
3,139 posts

There is no solid answer to prove either side. That is why God gives us a choice whether to believe or not. Your lucky your able to sit around all day and infiltrate a Christian thread like a pre-mature fa*.

There is no reason to insult people for having different views than you.

If you're referring to Mage, he's arguing his point well and not that offensively.
128 posts

No, it was toward Avorne

9,462 posts

There is no solid answer to prove either side.

Specific gods (such as the one being focused on in this thread) can be. What we see based on the evidence doesn't support the Abrahamic God. If you could prove God existed you wouldn't need faith. The fact faith is required only further supports the likely hood of that deity not existing.

That is why God gives us a choice whether to believe or not.

Which becomes moot with threats of hell for not. It wouldn't be a God giving us a choice if he really doesn't exist so this is really baseless.
3,139 posts

No, it was toward Avorne

Still shouldn't be name-calling.
He's entitled to his opinion and to express his view, just as you are.
8,256 posts


I'm not trying to decide, you got it wrong. I want to know what is true and what is not. That is different.

Anyway, what if I was? Aren't we supposed to have free will? Would it be so wrong, considering we don't have access to that wonderpill enlightening us about the truth, like they apparently had 2000 years ago?

196 posts

Well, I assumed that the God you were talking about is a loving one, I thought that He might not want his creations suffering for all eternity and stuff but -shrugs- I guess I was wrong.

God loves you as a mother bird does to her babies. He will push you out of his nest, and see if you will be able to fly with him. If not, you do not deserve a place in heaven.

The same could be said of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Hobbits. As well as that, the same could be said of the God and Gods of every other religion, what makes you so sure that you're on the right path?

Except the stories of Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and Hobbits haven't been around for 7,000 years. And I know because I read the works of God. And I see that God is good, and God is true.

Would you say the same if, en masse, people suddenly starting worshipping the Great God Om? Now, there's no proof of Om and you really don't think He exists, everyone else says he does and that you have to accept Him though or you'll be punished for eternity.

Except people don't worship the "Great God Om." You cannot use unreal examples to disclaim my religion. That is speaking as if all religions say the exact same thing.

Yet, in my eyes, you are the one that is crippled. You appear to be a brainwashed and vapid husk of a person, spewing out religious dogma and insane ramblings as your brain slowly shrivels away, you are blinded by faith and cannot see fact.

An obvious reply. Except you put your trust in the works of Man, Men capable of error. I put mine what is perfect, what is infallible, and true. You cannot ridicule me, for I understand what it is I believe. I don't listen to what you say, because it is nothing I haven't believed before. But now I am asking you to simply let Jesus into your soul, and do not succumb to the temptations of the world. You are not even asking me to toss away my faith, you just simply try to ridicule me, over and over again.

What's this?
You choosing not to listen to things from the bible?
Doing exactly what you're accusing me of doing?

And now you hide behind the same texts you ignore. I am not judging you. I am explaining to you that what you have written makes you seem as you are splitting your pot, and putting it on both tables, to recall that metaphor for a third time.

You are also making me sound like an evil person, which is another factor that is pissing me off. You might not be aware you are doing it, but you are.

No, i believe science plays a role in this world, and that you cannot deny, as experiments show you science is a real thing. How does me knowing science is in the world blasphemous? I believe God created the world but science is obviously here.

Of corse it plays a roll in this world. How else would we even be having this discussion, if this computer had not existed. I just simply believe science has spread out too far too quickly, trying to cover everything so people don't have to put their faith in anything. They make assumptions, check them once, and move on to the next thing. I just simply say no to the idea of Old Universe Evolution, and for that what I say here is under constant assault.
3,085 posts

Don't get the idea that I'm against Christians, pball, the vast majority of them that I've met are really nice people. I'll even admit that I quite like the way in which Jefferysinpiration goes about being Christian, keeping the core tenets sacred while at the same time understanding that society and science develop over time and thus some views have become outdated, there are still things to be gleamed from the Bible in the form of metaphors though. I do not, however, like people like you - you talk as though you know every single facet and page and word that is part of your religion and that your deity has supposedly said. It's almost like you claim to be above the mind of God and are fit to make judgements on His part. People like you set a bad example for and of Christians everywhere and show nothing of the love that Jesus Christ preached.

3,139 posts

And now you hide behind the same texts you ignore. I am not judging you. I am explaining to you that what you have written makes you seem as you are splitting your pot, and putting it on both tables, to recall that metaphor for a third time.

How do i ignore them? Dude, you don't know me. At all. Therefore making up assumptions about me is judging me.

Of corse it plays a roll in this world. How else would we even be having this discussion, if this computer had not existed. I just simply believe science has spread out too far too quickly, trying to cover everything so people don't have to put their faith in anything. They make assumptions, check them once, and move on to the next thing. I just simply say no to the idea of Old Universe Evolution, and for that what I say here is under constant assault.

If you acknowledge this too, then why use your metaphor on me, when i believe that God created this world, just as you do?
196 posts

@HaihHa We can already witness what is right and wrong.

And a bold accusation to make. If I wasn't one of three on this thread still defending its purpose, possibly people who know more about Evolution can swarm you with reasons why it is wrong. Christians aren't going to come out of the Chapel and say "We were wrong", if that is what you desire.

We are subjected to sin our entire lives. We have the ability to chose to embrace it, or repent from it. That is our free will.

@Jefferysinspiration read avorne's above post. That is why I despise what you believe. I despise everything he writes in that post. You are the kind of christian he reflects on, the one in the shade who just watches him walk by. I am the kind that stops him and tries to save him.

3,139 posts

That is why I despise what you believe. I despise everything he writes in that post. You are the kind of christian he reflects on, the one in the shade who just watches him walk by. I am the kind that stops him and tries to save him.

So you despise i believe God created the world?
You despise i believe Jesus is our saviour?
You despise i believe i must live my life without sinning, and repent when i do?
You despise the fact i believe in God's authority.
You despise the fact i help out, as God's message intended me to do?

God gave Jesus athority - Jesus gave his apostles the authority - Which led to the Pope having authority - which lead to cardinal and bishops having authority - which led to Priests and Ministers having authority.

Now i get taught by Priests - who teach that the Bible has metaphors in it. Considering i've been to church in over 15 countries - it's not just here before you argue that.

You despise the fact i can respect someone elses opinions?

You're not a very good Christian then, are you?
3,139 posts

To add to that ^ Can i just point out the Gospel of Luke.
Luke was friend to the Gentiles.
One can be Christian and acknowledge/respect those who are non-believers.

The good Samaritan - Not all non-believers are bad people.
You should really fine tune your preaching by reading the bible cover to cover.

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